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Saturday, May 15, 2010

[TRANS] 100514 ELLE girl - Changmin One Q. One A. Interview Vol. 2

dirah9314 @YT

Q1: Mothers day is in May. Up until now, among the presents that you gave your mother, what made her the most happy?
-- Umm... A watch

Q2: It's nearly summer! Do you like your girlfriend wearing revealing clothes?
-> Only in front of me, YES!

Q3: So you don't like it when she wears revealing clothes out?
--> NO! It's not like that

Q4: Have you ever felt jealous before?
--> Yes

Q5: Recently you have more free time, so for example, when you go out for a ride, do you have confidence in your driving skills?
--> Umm... yes. YES!

Q6: Where would you want to go for a ride out with a girl?
--> The places where I work and shooting locations etc. are normally really confined and cramped places, so I want to go to places where it's spacious... like the ocean. Yes

Q7: When you want to date, do you often think about what type you like in a girl?--> Yes. If it isn't like that... although I've heard it before... there are quite a lot of people who don't have plans and just decide to date. I'll at least think about what level it should go to, so when I meet a certain someone, I'll know when to settle down... yes

Q8: Do you have confidence in your Japanese?
--> NO!

Q9: Face the camera and say your favorite Japanese word
--> Umm... recently... "a steady state of mind"

Q10: Say a few words to the fans that want to see Shim Changmin
--> From now on, other than singing... and... having the chance to shoot for Elle girl as a model. If I were to attend various events as a model, I would be very happy. Not only being a model, singing, and other activities, I want to continue to work hard, so I once again ask for everyone's support!

Source: [baidutvxq]
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Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 100514 ELLEgirl - Changmin Una Pregunta Una Respuesta Vol.2

Raw: Kokayz@lj
Fuente: [baidutvxq]
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