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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

[info]TVXQ Fall Mini Concert Information

Hello, this is SM Entertainment.

"Giving young adults dreams and hope- TVXQ's Fall Mini Concert" is scheduled for September 21st at 7 PM in front of Seoul City Hall. At the mini concert, TVXQ will perform their fourth album title song, "Mirotic" for the first time. People who plan to come to the concert need to read the following details.

[Mini Concert Information]
Theme: Giving young adults hopes and dreams- TVXQ's Fall Mini Concert
Time: 2008 September 21st, 7 PM
Location: Seoul City Hall Plaza

[Things to Remember]
We thank you for the continued love and support of TVXQ, and Cassiopeia, who has stood behind them.

This time, the concert will be different from previous showcases. To allow a broader audience to attend (people other than young adults), the concert will be held in a public area with plenty of space. We ask that all Cassiopeia and those coming to the concert to please cooperate and set a good example and show your passion and support maturely.

1. Please listen to the security guards and concert personnel, and prevent any accidents. We ask that everyone be cautious.

2. To maintain a clear view for everyone at the concert, we ask that there not be any letting go of balloons, and that there not be any selling red balloons. Member supporting goods (banners, balloons, etc.) are not allowed either. Please remember this.

3. This concert is in collaboration with Seoul, which is why it is taking place in the city. This will make parking hard for everyone, but please do not fight over parking spaces. Please take other forms of public transportation if possible.

4. "TVXQ's Fall Mini Concert" admission information will be released tomorrow, so please look out for it.

5. While watching the concert, use of cameras, camcorders, digital cameras, cell phones, etc. is prohibited. Anything that can record video and audio media is not allowed. (If your digital device is confiscated, we are not responsible for your loss.)

TVXQ is coming back to everyone with their fourth album "Mirotic," showing everyone a more mature side of their music and stage. We hope that everyone will display mature behavior while watching the concert and enjoy this cultural event.

Also, TVXQ's fourth album title song "Mirotic" is slated to release on the 19th, with official album sales beginning on the 24th.

Please show TVXQ your utmost support. Thank you.

Translation: jae!fany @ Shinki! Forums (
Source: OhMicky + Mr. TVXQ

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