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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Question and Answer "THSK"
Q1: what do you do when you are tired?
A1: One half of the body bath. When it catches a cold, and it has a pain in the throat,you drink a Warm juice orange or tea .[Jaejoong]
Q2: as for your ideal Birthday, what would you like to do?
A2: Recently, I passed my birthday with the Staff, but I want a birthday party, with my family and friends.[Junsu]
Q3: when is the moment that you write or compose music?
A3:At any time. At watching television...
A new melody has been made while listening tunes.
"this tranlation may contain errors"
Source: http://www.tfm.co.jp/dream/ + 紫丁香花~Murasaki-Hashidoi~
Trans: 2uAngels
Friday, January 30, 2009
[info]Contend For Oricon: Tohoshinki [Survivor] Straight Hit KAT-TUN [Rescue]
Can Tohoshinki really rely on “Survivor” to survive? This time round, they might not be able to defeat KAT-TUN to get the Top, but we still looking forward to the reaction of the record market.
Japanese Translated: 袋袋
Chinese Translated: Jaesica
Credits: ALLKPOP + http://www.forjxj.com + 喜满天道☆FQ @ TVXQBaidu + fangirlmitz
[INFO]THSK appear on Japan's hit show SMAPXSMAP

남성그룹 동방신기가 일본의 인기 예능프로그램 ‘스마스마(SMAPXSMAP)’에 출연한다.
‘스마스마’는 일본의 국민그룹 스마프(SMAP)가 진행하는 후지TV의 인기 프로. 기무라 타쿠야, 나카이 마사히로,
이나가키 고로, 쿠사나기 츠요시, 카토리 싱고 등이 출연해 요리와 콩트, 노래로 구성된 쇼 프로그램이다.
일본 소식통에 따르면, 동방신기 멤버들은 최근 ‘스마스마’에 출연해 이미 녹화를 마친 상태. 동방신기는 스마프와 함께
노래를 부르는 코너에 출연, 화기애애한 분위기 속에서 녹화를 진행한 것으로 알려졌다.
동방신기가 출연하는 ‘스마스마’는 오는 3월께 전파를 탈 예정. 동방신기와 스마프 관련 커뮤니티에는 벌써부터 이와 관련한
소식들이 전해지며 팬들의 관심을 불러일으키고 있다.
한편, 동방신기는 일본 25번째 싱글 ‘Bolero/Kiss The Baby Sky/忘れないで(잊어버리지마)’로 오리콘 데일리 싱글차트와
위클리 싱글차트 1위를 차지하는 등, 한류 열풍을 이어가고 있다. 지난해에는 일본 최고의 연말가요축제인 ‘제59회 홍백가합전’에
출연하기도 했다.
rough translations
THSK appear on Japan's hit show SMAPXSMAP
Suma suma (SMAPXSMAP)is a popular SMAP's show from Fuji TV. Host by Takuya Kimura, Masahiro Nakai,Yinagaki Goro, kusanagi Tsuyoshi, Katori singgo shows several types of entertainments ranging from cooking, to singing.
According to a source in Japan, THSK members recently recording Suma Suma show. THSK and SMAP recording the singing corner, a friendly atmosphere in the recording was conducted.
source : gonews + dnbn +L4uRa@soompi
[TRANS]FM Yokohama Changmin

TVXQ: We are TVXQ. Moo~ (imitates a cow). “This year, we will work hard too” series.
Max: Good evening everyone, this is Changmin from THSK. Please listen to our new song, “Bolero”.
MC: “Bolero” has been released. The guest for today is Changmin. Please take good care of him!
Max: Please take good care of me.
MC: 2008’s been an excellent year. What are the top 3 best things that have happened, in Changmin-kun’s opinion?
Max: Top Three, ah, eh, first…
MC: Why don’t you start from the last! Fanmeeting or something? What’s in third place?
Max: The arena tour.
MC: The arena tour.
Max: Yes. The second was returning to the Korean stage after 1.5 years.
MC: Really?
Max: Really.
MC: Then what’s the first?
Max: I got myself a dog.
MC: Really?
Max: Really…?
MC: What breed is it?
Max: Its a Maltese.
MC: What’s its name?
Max: Mangdung. Its the name for a species of fish in Korea; although its really tiny, its very pretty as well.
MC: Ah, so that’s what it means. Is there anything you would like to challenge in the year 2009?
Max: Ya~a lot.
MC: It must be something personal.
Max: I want to be a CAO (some sort of competition similar to swimming)
MC: I’m quite good at that~
Max: Really?
MC: Really, I can teach you a little.
Max: -claps- that’s great!
MC: I succeeded because my friend taught me. Its quite strict. You need to warm up first before you swim. Make sure your body is well prepared.
Max: I know how to swim, but I’m not really good at the butterfly stroke. I wish to improve on my butterfly stroke,
MC: Butterfly stroke, requires a lot of your shoulder strength and a flexible waist.
Max: Yes, the requirements are really high.
MC: Yes, the requirements are very high, so do learn the butterfly stroke this year! Continue to work hard!
Max: Yes.
MC: You can’t perform that right.
Max: That’s right. Its something personal.
MC: Today’s test will be to evaluate whether you’re a good man. Did you understand the rules when a similar test was carried out in the programme last week?
Max: I understood.
MC: Guys and girls tend to want different things and express themselves differently when they get what they want.
Max: That’s right.
MC: So, please tell us, do you feel happy when you get something from a girl? How would a guy hint to a girl to let her know that that she has given him what he wanted? Please talk about it. You were dating on a very cold day, and your girlfriend arrives at the designated meeting place with a lot of difficulty. What would say then?
Max: I’d say something like “Its really cold.” She’s my girlfriend, right?
MC: Yes.
Max: I think I’d say what I would normally say, because she’s my girlfriend.
MC: Really?
Max: Really.
MC: That would do right? Nobody knows what will happen if you did that. Everyone feels its a good answer, right. On your birthday, she made you a hand-knitted pullover.
Max: Personally? Oh, okay, I understand.
MC: You received a hand-knitted pullover from your girlfriend with thanks. However, you find it a bit too small, and your girlfriend has on the “What should I do now?” expression. Please show some masculine gentleness.
Max: I’ve put on some weight recently, its a really great way to remind me. Something like that, to make her feel more at ease.
MC: What about your expression?
Max: I’d act like its okay.
MC: What a nice guy Changmin is!
Max: Ha ha.
MC: Next, a really bad thing, you mixed up her name with your ex-girlfriend’s name. What do you do now?
Max: Oh… ah… I got her name wrong.
MC: For example, you called her “Yuriko” instead of “Midori”. And “Yuriko” is your ex-girlfriend’s name.
Max: That would be really bad, its very embarrassing.
MC: Really embarrassing.
Max: Very embarrassing. That’s not right. I will take note of it in future.
MC: You will pay more attention. Then, what next?
Max: That’s really bad. If it happens, we might end up breaking up.
MC: You met a girl you really like, and she’s the only one in your heart. If you were to say something romantic to her, what would it be?
Max: To her, it might be something really insignificant. I’d sing, I guess. Tell her that I’ll only sing for her from now on.
MC: Really~that’s great!
MC: Currently, that’s what girls like best. Which song would you sing?
Max: Eh.. a song of confession. Fukuyama Masaharu’s “Milk Tea”.
MC: Ah… try singing it.
Max: *sings* This is a really great time to sing a song like that.
MC: Yes. Now let’s take a look at the score. 100points!
Max: Bravo. My love. Year
MC: Just like Jaejoong expected.
Max: Ah~! Jaejoong expected it?
MC: Yeah. It feels great to get first place today. Lastly, a THSK song for everyone. Changmin, what’s a song that you like, other than “Bolero”?
Max: I hope everyone has a happy winter holiday, so, “Forever Love”.
MC: Thanks for coming today~
Take out with full credits.
Source: SO学会爱 @tieba.baidu + OurMax沈昌珉中国后援站
Translation by: Banana-chan @xietinloveshero
Shared by: 2uAngels
[TRANS] Jung Yunho - Pains & Tears Issues
This article was taken from Ya Shim Man Man
Jung Yunho
Pains & Tears Issues
Jung Yunho, alternative name ---------- Hospital’s VIP. Visit the hospital annually in average of 30-40 times! Brush past the death more than 100 times…… The numbers of internal trauma injuries accidents are countless and where did those large and small scars on his body come from? Just listen to me slowly.
Scar on the left side of his face
There’s a light scar on the left side of Yunho’s face, many people thought that it was left due to the injury during sports. Actually, this scar has existed since Yunho is 2 years old. The story goes like this: One day, Yunho’s mum and 2 years old Yunho were playing bom bom car at the rooftop, at this moment, the phone rang and Yunho’s mum went to pick up the phone. During this blink of time, little Yunho fall off from the rooftop and landed first with his face on the ground, hence, his left face become bloody and that’s how his scar was left.
Scar on his forehead
It was undeserved for Yunho to have that obvious scar in the center of his forehead! One time, Yunho was standing in front of a book shelf and he was thinking of getting a book from the top shelving, but who knows, just when he was taking the book out from the shelving, the book shelf collapsed at the same time and it was just pressed against Yunho’s forehead. Yunho’s face was full of bloods after being rescued out from the book shelf. The wound have recovered after that, but the scar stayed on his forehead forever.
Scar on his neck
The long scar on Yunho’s neck was left due to operation. When Yunho was young, his vocal and singing was absolutely awesome, but nobody knows why suddenly there’s something growing on his vocal cords. After the doctor diagnoses, he straight away suggested having an operation to remove it. After the operation, Yunho’s neck emerged a long scar. It is also because of this operation, Yunho’s voice was seriously affected, his beautiful voice was having difficulty to send out again. Originally, we thought that Yunho’s throat will be fully recovered after this. However, lesions occurred again in 2006. At that point of time, it was coincided with TVXQ’s Japan Live Tour Concert. All the way from Yunho’s throat to his nasal cavity were full of spores, besides forgetting the unbearable pain at that time, his throat was still unable to send out any voice. Facing the upcoming concert, Yunho could only inject an emergency treatment injection and the effect of this injection was not to remove the virus, it was to turn those non-virus parts into virus, so that Yunho’s throat would be able to be in the state of paralysis. After struggling through the whole concert, Yunho was sent to the hospital straight away and was hospitalized for a week. (The doctor originally advised to stay in the hospital for a month for treatment, but due to the working reason, Yunho could only stay for a week and discharged.)
Incident of falling off from the building
Should I say that Yunho was dogged by bad luck or lucky? There is also a breathtaking moment of Yunho falling off from 4th level when he was young. Yunho was playing catching with his friends at an old 4-levels building. Being the mischievous ones, Yunho was afraid that his friends might found him, so he hung himself outside the wall on 4th level. Just when Yunho was pleased with himself that he had found himself an excellent hiding place, one of his friends ran over with a loud “WOW” and Yunho was scared by it. Then his hands were loosened and fall off from 4th level with his back facing downwards.
Translated: Jaesica
Credits: 韩剧攻略09.1 + 做珉的冰箱 @ TVXQBaidu + fangirlmitz
shared by: 2uAngels
[TRANS] JJ March Issue - Changmin’s Part
It’s still cold at the sea in two last month in winter, thus I will make sure there will be just the two of us.
“I want to go to a date by driving my own car.”
“Eventhough it’s still cold, I really want to go to the sea!”
“The 2 last months in winter, going to the sea with my beloved one. Unlike in summer, sea looks so calm at that time, thus we can relax and be happy more.”
“Just like in Japan, in Korea girls give chocolate in Valentine’s day. When the chocolate is a handmade one, I think it will be much better.”
“I like to think how hard her effort to give chocolate to me, and that makes me happy. How she shops for the chocolate (ingredients), thinking what shape of the chocolate should she makes, I think that’s kind of way to show that she loves me, and I’m sure that’s enough.”
Thus, along with the mood of winter, I want to say thank you to her at the sea.
“As for being alone (alone in case without any family) in a foreign country like Japan. Occasionally I become lonely and being congested.
But because there are the other members, the five of us, we’re able to work in one thought.”
The existence of the other members is everything for Changmin.
He’s also recently taking charge in writing lyrics, thus to make a realistic concept for the lyrics, he said that he wrote diary everynight.
Not only handsome, Changmin is known for his efforts/hardwork. Thus, he’s a kind of whom women think as an ideal boyfriend.
source: beyondyuchuntokyo + dnbn
japanese-kor trans: Tami
kor-eng trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress
Shared by: 2uAngels
[NEWS] Bolero/Kiss The Baby Sky/Wasurenaide was Released in Korea
Bolero/Kiss The Baby Sky/Wasurenaide is TVXQ’s 25th single which was released in Japan on January 21st and became ORICON topper both in Daily and Weekly Chart, thus makes TVXQ as the first foreign group who breaks ORICON top #1 for 6 times in Daily basis and 5 conscutive times in Weekly basis in Japan.
Bolero is a song composed by Girl Next Door’s member Suzuki Taepo who also composed their former hit, Love in The Ice whose Korean version is also well known in Korea. This song also becomes the main soundtrack of a Korea-Japan-Hong Kong joint movie, Subaru.
While Kiss The Baby Sky and Wasurenaide are songs composed by TVXQ’s members Micky Yoochun and Youngwoong Jaejoong, respectively. Kiss The Baby Sky was used as background song of a Japanese show, Zoom In! Super and Zoom In! Saturday (from October to December).
Bolero/Kiss The Baby Sky/Wasurenaide single which was released in Korea has the same spesification as the Japan version one. Breaking in 2 jackets, jacket A which contains CD + DVD and jacket B which contains CD only.
Quite different from the Japanese version one, in the CD, is inserted also one of their former Japanese single, Doushite Kimi Wo Suki Ni Natta Shimattan Darou? (remix ver).
The DVD itself contains of Bolero MV and behind the scene, and there’s also a pictorial booklet of 12 pages to complete the package.
source: Central Daily News + Hey JJ + Mr.TVXQ + Misu@TVXQINDO
news written by: sharingyoochun@wordpress
Shared by: 2uAngels
Thursday, January 29, 2009
[pics] yuchun on M-on Music Machine 09.01.27*more pics*
[vdo]090128 Fuji TV Banzuke Ranking Top 10~TVXQ Bolero No 1 Again!!!~
Usually a surprise is always loved.
“Eventhough Valentine is a day when boys get chocolate from girls, but I really want to hang a lot of chocolate on a tree in a park to give her a surprise surprise!”
“I really want to see her surprised/happy face, by that I can be very glad as well.”
“Then it’s alright to send her a normal meal, I think it’s enough.”
“Valentine or Christmas, both are important. The most important thing is to spend them in great mood as a special day for both of us, and I want to make her feeling lot happier. Thus I want to make a perfect surprise.”
“The…. plan is secret”
“(By doing a surprise for her) I would like to then cherish the day together with her with strong feeling in the future.”
In Korea, the 5 members of TVXQ were used to live together.
But last year, it’s said that Yoochun had moved to a different place.
The reason is “The family who was in U.S finally came back to Korea, so I bought a house for us to live together.”
He’s a kind who cherishes his family more than anything, but also appreciates more to the relationship with other members and fans.
Regarding this, Yoochun said, “My girl should be a very nice person (so that she can respects his family and other members also).”
As the composer of “Kiss The Baby Sky” which was released on January 21st, and also is responsible as the arranger, he really shows a great talent.
My Valentine’s day’s date is very very simple.
If I can spend that day with person whom I love, it’s already good enough.
I won’t ask anything from the girl I loved, if the two of you can be together in one day, it’s just perfect.
If I have time, I want to write her a song. For example, as the return for her chocolate, I will write a song that is sung only for her. I will sing in a capella, and if suddenly she asked “Why is no music?” I will answered, “Because it’s sung only for you.”
Because I love to give something to people, if a woman asked me to do something, if I can do it, then I will do.
“Instead of doing solo, it will be better if I can grow up together as Tohoshinki.” Yunho said.
In fact, when Jaejoong was shy at shooting time, he would talked first to him, and when the other members were too noisy, he would said “Please quiet!” … or just calling the others’ attention naturally.
Yunho is a kind of leader that will makes us saying “I will follow you!”
“I want to do more and more busier work!” he said in such passionate. He’s maybe a kind of husband in dream.
When being asked “10 years later, which year’s memory is so far considered as the best memory?”, all members simultaneously answered, “2008!” with no doubt.
“In last year, everyday we’d been working so hard, being grown up, and since we went through each day with pressure, I really want to spend days with someone whom I love in usual/relaxing ways. Such as going to a restaurant without worrying to be noticed by people, eating delicious food in a place where we can view illuminations.”
“It’s nothing but just a date ‘to-do-with-happiness’.
I really want to spend days in good time like this with my gf.
If the time is enough, I also want to go to the sea… resting under the palm trees.
Do nothing but quiet… But I think it would take a lifetime to each moment (laughs)
Junsu is the mood maker of TVXQ. He can sing all of sudden during a shooting, and can’t stop his face from smiling.
He’s very polite, always appreciate the staffs, and says “thank you” to his manager.
Behind his cute face, there’s a deep feeling of a sweet boy hidden.
source: beyondyuchuntokyo + dnbn
japanese-kor trans: Tami
kor-eng trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress
[News] Bpass Magazine February Interview
Next, the interview is on their new projects, and a recap of 2008 where they made huge progress. DBSK continues to have our attention on them with their 4th album coming out in March as well as Nationwide Arena Tour, which will kickstart in May.
Did you guys benefit from the recording [of Bolero]?
JJ: I mostly heard my own voice when we were recording. After that, it was really important to listen to the others’ voices and sounds. I got a shock when I heard Yoochun’s high note at the part where we all did a falsetto.
YC: Thank you.
Was that part YC’s idea?
YC: Initially, I used a lower key than what was in the CD, but the feelings couldn’t really flow. So I tried using a higher key after listening to the CD…
JS: Genius, genius ah.
YC: No, no. *laughs* Even so, my idea’s not that bad.
YH: Indeed he’s a genius.
JJ: Genius.
Genius ah! *laughs* What is Junsu’s impression towards Bolero?
JS: Singing it personally, I thought it was a really impressive/grand song. Simply singing it made me feel better. The entire melody was well written, and even the beat was very unique. The arrangement was interesting as well. The PV shooting also left a deep impression on me, because we were singing the entire day, from morning til night. That’s how we managed to come up with a PV that has a very strong “live” sense.
What about Changmin?
CM: The composers were the exactly the same as the ones who wrote “Love in the Ice”, and the song has the same sense of grandeur as LITI. I think its an excellent song, and singing it makes me feel better. I look forward to singing it live.
I hope to hear the live version as well. I’m especially looking forward to the “genius” part.
YC: I’m really worried.
Is that so?!
YC: I’ve really got to practice. Put in hard work *laughs*
Along with Bolero, there are 2 other songs in this Triple A side single, one composed by Yoochun and the other by Jaejoong.
YC: My song’s the B-side song.
JJ: Then, my song is the “Ramen” song. (”side” and “noodles” have the same pronounciation xD)
*all burst out laughing*
JS: Ramen! *laughs*
Then, “Bolero” is the A-side song (A-mian), “Kiss the Baby Sky” is B-side(B-mian), and “Wasurenaide” is Ramen (La-mian). Alright, so now let’s talk about Yoochun’s “Kiss the Baby Sky”.
How’s the general impression?
YH: It feels really great, although the lyrics sound kind of urgent, the melody is lively. Even so, I think this difference is YC’s style.
CM: It’s a good song. There are many falsetto parts, which is also the feeling YC gives others.
JS: Its a song that makes one feel urgent yet happy. Its one of the rare, classic DBSK songs. The repeated lines were sung in falsetto, which is YC’s style; I think it really fits the song. I sing the part after the first verse and the repeated lines, which you can sing after listening to the song just a little. Listen carefully and you can feel it.
JJ: When I was listening to it, I thought, “YC’s a genius!”
Then, the third song, “Wasurenaide”.
YC: It would be an unforgettable song even if it was titled “Please Forget”.
JJ: I had thought “I hope it can be included in the Japanese album” since the initial composition began.
DBSK’s single uses songs to express 3 different kinds of love. There are many songs about love; now what colour would you use to express your ideal kind of love?
YH: I would use white.
JJ: I’d definitely use red. Its the colour of passion.
YC: I’d use black. Two parties meet in black, and when they do, many other colours come out of it. When the love deepens, you can then find the colour in which the love ends.
YH: No, I think its white. A pure heart would be the truest.
CM: I’d think its blue. You focus on the other party and don’t see anything else around you, that’s the kind of image.
Lastly, Junsu…
JS: Love is transparent.
YC: No colour?
JS: No. When two people meet, the colour spreads little by little, as if it had dropped into the water.
YC: Unlike mine?
JS: No. You wouldn’t be able to see any colour that’s on top of black, right? But you can see all the colours added onto something that’s transparent. If it doesn’t turn out well, you see black; if it does, it become white; when its passionate, its red; and it becomes green like grass when you’re having fun. I think its rather nice to have it constantly changing.
YC: Your explanation makes it sound so meaningful.
JS: Exactly, exactly! Love should be truthful/honest. If you look at it from the angle that love must be honest and trusting, then its transparent.
What do you hope to achieve in 2009, then?
JS: I want to read more than I did in 08.
CM: I want to read more books too. I’d read whenever I had time in 08. Be it novels or short stories, I hope to read more.
YC: I’d want to go travelling with my family. If I can, I’d go to Switzerland, and Europe.
JJ: I’d want to become busier. I feel less muddled when I’m busy; and I want to become more passionate by passionately facing what I do everyday. It feels great to be busier and to receive more care and concern when I’m young. I also would like to challenge some new things, and I’d want my wishes to come true.
YH: I’d like to build up some more experiences as well. First would be snowboarding. Although going for a drive or exercising relieves stress, I’m really into snowboarding now, so I’d like to go snowboarding this year.
So, what is it that DBSK hopes to achieve in 2009? Can the leader please tell us?
YH: Firstly, we would like to hold a concert at the Tokyo Dome. We had promised to “see everyone in a larger venue” in our Arena Tour, so we hope to achieve that by holding a concert at the Tokyo Dome. Other than that, we hope to take part in many different kinds of activities and to have more chances to meet our fans.
Takeout with full credits.
Source: 流川梓@Tieba.Baidu
Translation by: Banana-chan@Xietinloveshero
Shared by: 2uAngels
[translator's note: I only translated parts which were funnier/ more interesting, cuz the rest were just usual/ repeated stuff; the article was like really long.]
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
[pics] yuchun on M-on Music Machine 09.01.27
[INFO] 090125 Ontama Carnival 09 Fan Account
I went to watch the "Ontama Carnival 09", and entered the venue at 4pm because of the long distance. TVXQ had not yet appeared, and "Perfume" was performing when I entered. The place was very lively and there was a short break after Perfume's performance. Now, there were already many TVXQ fans, and they seemed to have arrived at around 2pm, before the show had even started. After the break, Koda Kumi came to perform, and she managed to liven up the atmosphere further. Gradually, the words "TVXQ" started to appear on the screen, at around 6pm. It was slightly later than we expected, but we were still elated to see TVXQ.
1. Purple Line- I haven't heard PL in a long time. Both Yoochun and Junsu's hairstyles had returned to the way it was a year ago during the PL era, which is great. Everyone was wearing wine-red shirts with leather jackets of different styles outside.
2. Summer Dream- After saying, "We are TVXQ", Jaejoong greeted us and everyone was panting away heavily because of the dance. Yunho wanted a change of atmosphere and to sing a ballad, but it had been a long time since SD. This reminded me of SD in 2007, and the fanmeeting at Heyx3. The fanmeeting was swelteringly warm, it was really bad. This is a song that revives people in summer.
3. Doumini coopere Kimi wo Sukininatte Shimattandarou?- It sounded exactly like it did during the Kohaku. Jaejoong's voice really made us feel like working harder.
4. Bolero- The song started with Yoochun introducing it as "the single that is going to be released on 21/1, please enjoy". Everyone sounded really familiar with the song, it must've been the result of repeatedly singing it the past few days.
5. Mirotic- It looked really interesting watching Jaejoong perform at the start, and the song was a remix, sounded good.
Source: 樱雪qing@tieba.baidu
Translation: Banana-chan @xietinloveshero
Shared by: fangirlmitz + 2uAngels
[VDO] Jaejoong and Yuchun on M-on Music Machine 09.01.27
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Credits: Poi+clubbox.co.kr/yoosu + yun206 @yt
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
[INFO] Tracklist 26th Single/ 4th Album

4th Japanese Album "The Secret Cord"

Credits:Together TVXQ
[INFO] New 26th Single / 4th japanese Album
[INFO] Music Fair 21 Recording
Broadcasting is on February 7th

Credits: http://otogumi.fujitv.co.jp/lovekp/index.html