Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Question and Answer "THSK"

Q1: what do you do when you are tired?
A1: One half of the body bath. When it catches a cold, and it has a pain in the throat,you drink a Warm juice orange or tea .[Jaejoong]

Q2: as for your ideal Birthday, what would you like to do?
A2: Recently, I passed my birthday with the Staff, but I want a birthday party, with my family and friends.[Junsu]

Q3: when is the moment that you write or compose music?
A3:At any time. At watching television...
A new melody has been made while listening tunes.

"this tranlation may contain errors"

Source: + 紫丁香花~Murasaki-Hashidoi~
Trans: 2uAngels

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