Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Sunday, May 24, 2009


♥ Junsu - His biggest challenge in his life [puberty that changed his voice and lasted for 2.5 years]!

♥ Yoochun - What he wants to do most this summer is to go "Goldfish Fishing! [T/N: Popular Japanese Summer Festival activity.]

♥ Jejung - He has been working since the 6th grade! His first job was to deliver newspapers.

♥ Changmin - When he met his first love, he wondered for how long the pitter-pattering of his heart would last... and counted the days as they went by. In the end, the short-lived relationship only lasted around 200 days.

♥ Yunho - He has been learning to dance through videos since he was young. Because of that, he has to convert the left/right dance steps and do it the opposite way!

Source: [Tagged +]
Translation credits:
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Traduccion al Español/Spanish Translation

Secretos de Tohoshinki~ Sapporo día 2

♥ Junsu - Su mas grande desafio en su vida [La Pubertad que cambio su voz y duro 2 años y medio]

♥ Yoochun - Lo que quiere hacer mas este verano es ir a "Pesca de Pez Dorado" [ Popular Festival de Verano en Japon]

♥ Jejung - Ha estado trabajando desde el 6to grado! su primer trabajo fue repartidor de Periodicos.

♥ Changmin - Cuando conocio a su primer amor, el se pregunto por cuanto duraria el ligero golpeteo de su corazon... y conto los dias que ellos pasaron. en el final, La corta relacion solo duro unos 200 días.

♥ Yunho - Ha aprendido a bailar a travez de videos desde que era joven. Por eso, tenia que convertir izquierda/derecha los pasos de baile y hacerlos en la manera opuesta!

Fuente: [Tagged +]
Trad al Ingles:

Trad al Español: DeboraPArk@2uAngels
Por favor llevatelo con todos los creditos ^^

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