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Spanish / Español

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Sunday, May 31, 2009

[Trans] 090531 Jaejoong’s Thank You Mail from Fukuoka

Everyone. I’m JEJUNG

I enjoyed myself doing live in Fukuoka these past days!!

Yunho and I were so sorry for not be able to come to Fukuoka the last time… (T/N: for TSC promotion)

However, finally I come and taste a lot of delicious food here (^ ○ ^)

Being able to meet staffs in Fukuoka is also delightful (^ ◇ ^) o

The most important is

I can meet all fans in Fukuoka \ (^ ◇ ^) /

These two past days are really enjoyable ~

Thank you, let’s meet again~\(^o^)

TAITAI! Thailand Thailand!

(T/N: TAI TAI is from FBS Night Shuffle, he’s imitating Junsu. And I guess he just connected TAI and Thailand together. The same when he connected XIAH and Malaysia – Indonesia back then, lol)

source: tohomobile + yukabon’s room
trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

Spanish Translation/ Traduccion al Español

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