Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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Spanish / Español

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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The First...

Magazine interview for Jejung and Yuchun♪
The atmosphere is a little different from usual,
so they were a little shy (laugh)

『COLORS~Melody and Harmony~』is the theme song for Hello Kittys 35th Anniversary!
Taking a souvenir picture with Kitty-chan♪

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Spanish Translation/ Traduccion al Español

El Primero...

Entrevista para un Magazine de Jejung y Yuchun
La atmosfera es un poco diferente a lo usual,
asi que estaban un poco timidos (risas)

COLORS~Melody and Harmony~』es la cancion de tema para el 35º Aniversario de Hello Kity!
Tomando una foto de recuerdo con Kitty-chan

Fuente: []
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