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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Monday, March 1, 2010

[INFO] Jaejoong in a Japanese Drama?

I've just found this info about that Jaejoong could be in a japanese drama {Fuji TV}.
Also the OST would be sung it by TVXQ, there doesn't appear the title of the theme song, but there's written TVXQ!! *O*
Just wait for the confirmation!
(+) seemingly Eriko Kitagawa is the screenwriter!


Acabo de encontrar esta informacion acerca de queJaejoong podría estar en un drama japones de Fuji TV.
Además el OST sería cantado por TVXQ, no aparece el título del tema musical, pero sale escrito el nombre de TVXQ!!
Solo a esperar la confirmación ^O^
(+) Al parecer, Eriko Kitagawa es la guionista!!

Credits: as tagged+ poplez
Shared by: 2uAngels

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