Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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Spanish / Español

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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Friday, March 5, 2010

[NEWS/TRANS] 100303 YH to LA First

haruka51915 @YT

Central Daily News
2010.03.03 14:41:42

Partially Translated

Yunho's first plan was to head to Las Vegas, USA.
However, it is changed for Yunho to be able to participte in
the meeting for the planning of the performance which is held at LA.
Source reported that J who is fluent in English will escort Yunho for a better communication.

Always Keep The Faith!

Source: As tagged+Central Daily News
Translated by:
Shared by: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!


Spanish Translation / Traducción al español

[NOTICIAS/TRAD] 10003 Yunho a Los Angeles Primero

Central Daily News
2010.03.03 14:41:42

Parcialmente Traducido

El primer plan de Yunho era ir primero a Las Vegas, Estados Unidos.
sin embargo, esto se cambió para que Yunho sea capaz de participar en la reunión de planeamiento de la presentación la cual se llevará a cabo en Los Angeles.
La fuente reportó que J quien es fluida en Ingles escoltará a Yunho para una mejor comunicación.

Always Keep The Faith!

Fuente: As tagged+Central Daily News
Trad al Ingles:
Trad al Español:
Comaprtido por: {One World.One Red Ocean.One TVXQ!}+ 2uAngels

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