*Note: No offence to Jonny’s fan.
This is an article written at Nikkan Gendai News.
Their main readers are adult male (businessmen etc).
So, it is written with the guy’s point of view.
Nikkan Gendai News Japan
Things which the wives and children are absorbed in recently when dad comes home.
It is a Korean idol group of 5 "TVXQ" who participated in NHK's Red and White Singing Battle lat year.
They are an absolute uproar in Japan now on days.
Woman fashion magazine "JJ" which TVXQ was displayed as a cover was all sold out last month.
In addition, another woman’s fashion magazine "ViVi" (released on February 23rd)
which attached a supplement of TVXQ’s articles to a magazine
had published their best 605,000 prints since its' foundation.
And it is said to be sold out surely.
It is possible that Japanese Johnny’s women fans might be moving toward TVXQ.
There is a research that supported this flow by collecting the vote of, “Who I want to make as my lover"
at the "CDTV" (TBS), which was broadcasted on February 13th.
This research at CDTV has been carried out twice every year, in summer and in winter.
And for the previous five times, the first place was Jin Akanishi of KAT – TUN (Jonny’s),
and consecutive four times, Kazuya Kamenashi (Jonny’s KAT-TUN) kept the second place.
However, it was a member of TVXQ who won the first place this time.
And Kamenashi ranked the fourth place this time.
TVXQ members were ranked within the top ten ranking range,
and Jun Matsumoto of "Arashi (Jonny’s)" that was the seventh place until last year
did not make it to the top ten place this time.
Additionally, group of 5 idol group, "BIGBANG" also from Korea is developing a force in Japan.
Jonny’s might be feeling uneasy recently with these Korean male idol forces.
Always Keep The Faith!
Source: Nikkan Gendai News: http://gendai.net/ +ViVi
Translated by: Junsulv@OneTVXQ.com
Shared by: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!
This is an article written at Nikkan Gendai News.
Their main readers are adult male (businessmen etc).
So, it is written with the guy’s point of view.
Nikkan Gendai News Japan
Things which the wives and children are absorbed in recently when dad comes home.
It is a Korean idol group of 5 "TVXQ" who participated in NHK's Red and White Singing Battle lat year.
They are an absolute uproar in Japan now on days.
Woman fashion magazine "JJ" which TVXQ was displayed as a cover was all sold out last month.
In addition, another woman’s fashion magazine "ViVi" (released on February 23rd)
which attached a supplement of TVXQ’s articles to a magazine
had published their best 605,000 prints since its' foundation.
And it is said to be sold out surely.
It is possible that Japanese Johnny’s women fans might be moving toward TVXQ.
There is a research that supported this flow by collecting the vote of, “Who I want to make as my lover"
at the "CDTV" (TBS), which was broadcasted on February 13th.
This research at CDTV has been carried out twice every year, in summer and in winter.
And for the previous five times, the first place was Jin Akanishi of KAT – TUN (Jonny’s),
and consecutive four times, Kazuya Kamenashi (Jonny’s KAT-TUN) kept the second place.
However, it was a member of TVXQ who won the first place this time.
And Kamenashi ranked the fourth place this time.
TVXQ members were ranked within the top ten ranking range,
and Jun Matsumoto of "Arashi (Jonny’s)" that was the seventh place until last year
did not make it to the top ten place this time.
Additionally, group of 5 idol group, "BIGBANG" also from Korea is developing a force in Japan.
Jonny’s might be feeling uneasy recently with these Korean male idol forces.
Always Keep The Faith!
Source: Nikkan Gendai News: http://gendai.net/ +ViVi
Translated by: Junsulv@OneTVXQ.com
Shared by: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!
Spanisha Translation / Traducción al Español

**NOTA: Fans de Jonny's no se ofendan.
Este es un artículo escrito en Nikkan Gendai News.
Sus principales lectores son hombres adultos (hombres de negocios, etc).
Asi que, esta escrito en el punto de vista de un chico.
Nikkan Gendai News Japan
Cocas que las esposas y niños son absorbidos recientemente cuando papá llega a casa.
Es un grupo ídolo coreano de 5 miembros "TVXQ" que participaron en la Batalla de Canto Rojo y Blanco de NHK el año pasado.
Ellos son un absolutulo estruendo en Japón estos días.
La revista de moda femenina "JJ" la cual TVXq estuvo presentado como la cubierta todas estuvieron agotadas el mes pasado.
Además, otra revista de moda femenina "Vivi" (publicada el 23 de febrero) la cual adjuntó un suplemente de artículos de TVXQ en la revista
había publicado su mejor 605,000 tirada desde su fundación.
Y se dice que estan agotadas seguramente.
Es posible que las fans japonesas de Johnny's puedan estar moviendose hacia TVXQ.
Hay uan investigación que apoya este flujo recolectando el voto de "A quien quiero hacer mi amante" en "CDTV" (TBS), el cual fue emitido el 13 de Febrero.
Esta investigación en CDTV ha sido llevada a cabo dos veces cada año, en vera y en invierdo. Y para las 5 veces anteriores, el primerlugar era para Jin Akanishi of KAT – TUN (Jonny’s), y por cuatro veces consecutivas, Kazuya Kamenashi (Jonny’s KAT-TUN) mantuvo el segundo lugar.
Sin embargo, fue un miembro de TVXQ quien ganó el primer lugar esta vez.
Y KAmenashi ocupó el cuarto lugar esta vez.
Los meimbros de TVXQ fueron rankeado dentro del top 10 del ranking,
y Jun Matsumoto de "Arashi" (Johnny's) que estaba en el séptimo lugar hasta el año pasado no estuvo en el top diez ahora.
Más aun, el grupo ídolo de 5 miembros, "BIGBANG" también de Corea esta desarrollando una fuerza en Japón. Johnny's deben estar sintiendose intranquilos recientemente con las fuerzas de estos ídolos coreanos.
Always Keep The Faith!
Fuente: Nikkan Gendai News: http://gendai.net/ +ViVi
Trad al Ingles: Junsulv@OneTVXQ.com
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
Comaprtido por: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ!}+ 2uAngels
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