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Spanish / Español

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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

[NEWS] 100308 Tokyo Girls’s Style’s Aim is TVXQ! New Artist in Japan

A girls dance & vocal group “Tokyo Girls’ Style”; their web site delivery service “Kirari☆” has started on Wednesday, February 17.

We tried to interview “Tokyo Girls’ Style” in order to approach their real nature at the mu-mo entertainment news this time. What is their real face like?


Q. Who is an affected artist to aim for?

■ Miyu Yamabe
It is TVXQ!

■ Ayano Konishi
It is TVXQ as a group and BoA as an individual.

■ Hitomi Arai
It is Ayumi Hamazaki, Kumi Koda and Namie Amuro!

■ Yuri Nakae
It is TVXQ who I take influence after and to aim.

■ Mei Shoji
It is Namie Amuro and TVXQ!


*So four out of five members of TGS, who they aim for is TVXQ!!

*Tokyo Girls’s Style debuted on January 1st, 2010.

source: mumo news
trans by:


Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[NOTICIAS] 100308 EL Objetivo de Tokyo Girl's Style es TVXQ!

Un grupo de baile y canto de chicas "Tokyo Girls' Style'; su website de srvicio de entrega “Kirari☆” ha comenzado el miercoles 17 de Febrero.

Tratamos de entrevistar a "Tokyo Girls' Style' con el fin de acercarnos a su verdadera naturaleza en mu-mo Entertainment News esta vez. Como es su verdadero rostro?


P. Quien es el artista que influye como objetivo?

■ Miyu Yamabe

■ Ayano Konishi
TVXQ como grupo y BoA como solista.

■ Hitomi Arai
Son Ayumi Hamazaki, Kumi Koda y Namie Amuro!

■ Yuri Nakae
Es TVXQ de quien tomo influencia y objetivo.

■ Mei Shoji
Son Namie Amuro y TVXQ!


Cuatro de los cinco miembros que tienen como objetivo es TVXQ!
*Tokyo Girls’s Style debutaron el 1er de Enero del 2010 on January 1st, 2010.

Fuente: mumo news
Trad al Ingles:
Trad al Español:

pero si son una nenas!!! me alegro q hayan elegido a tvxq *O*


KC said...

This is APXmusic. You can get a remix of TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE "KIRARI" at the following locations!

See the video of the remix here!

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