When we went in, they were showing clips of an interview with Yunho’s teacher on the big screen. Because there were still a lot of people rushing in, the event really started at 2:10. Because my Korean is still at a beginner’s level, I couldn’t understand a lot= = I will work on this……
At first, Yunho’s 3 friends were introduced along with his brother and parents. One of the friends was the one Yunho had introduced in a show. Then they brought out a birthday cake, and everyone there sang happy birthday. The host especially asked for everyone to sing “Dear yoonho oppa” together.
Then they asked a couple of questions, most of it is about some interesting things that happened to Yunho. (PS: forgive my poor Korean and memory)
Yunho’s friends revealed that Yunho loves watching movies, so the host asked what kind of movie does Yunho like to watch, his friends says…… There weren’t many movies Yunho finished watching. Because Yunho would fall asleep watching them. Everyone at the event laughed. The friend started imitating how Yunho falls asleep, with a hand under his chin for support, then head drooping slowly, then pretends like nothing happened and sits up, while looking around, then the process begins all over again…… haha
2) 85club
They talked about how 85club was formed, after that about what they would do, and where they would go to have fun.
3) Heading to the Ground kissing scenes
One of the friends said, they didn’t even have to call Yunho to ask him how is the filming going, because almost every day around 10:00-11:00, around the time when the broadcast ends, they would receive a call from Yunho, asking if they watched today’s broadcast and such, as if asking for their opinion. Yunho’s friends said he really worked hard to film this drama. Abought the kiss scene, I couldn’t understand, his 2 friends talk so fast TT
4) Coffee house
Yunho’s friend said Yunho really likes to go to coffeehouses, sometimes they would go after watching a movie= = So the host asked what Yunho would usually order. His friend said Yunho would usually eat ice and chocolate= =and some kind of dessert, sorry I couldn’t hear clearly.
5) When the first part of the event was half way through, one of Yunho’s friends asked if he should cal Yunho. After a bunch of fan screams, the friend took out his cellphone and called Yunho. When Yunho answered, fans began screaming again. Yunho said he is in japan right now. After thanking everyone, all the fans sang happy birthday to him, including “dear yoonho oppa.” Yunho laughed his trademark, and everyone at the event laughed with him. The host then asked a couple of questions, but my Korean isn’t that good= = and I couldn’t hear very well, with the phone held up to the microphone.
Because Yunho said he is still in Japan, and seemed like he still had activities waiting for him, so he didn’t stay on the phone for too long, about 5-10 minutes. Because of everyone’s request, he sang to us. When his friends asked him to sing a few lines, he sounded like he was thinking, so everyone heard a long “Um~~~~~”, then his friend thought he was ready, so started counting : 1, 2, … he wasn’t even finished when we heard worried scream from the other end: chaganma chaganma (wait, wait) ~~ haha, we almost laughed to death. In the end he sang a few lines, it sounds familiar, but I couldn’t tell which song…… At the end of the phone call, he thanked everyone again, saying he will continue working hard. His friend lied to him that there were 30,000 fans at this event, he said it about 3 times= = Yunho laughed, the fans at the event screamed loudly to give the affect of 30,000 fans present, everyone was in a good mood.
When the first part ended, his 3 friends and family left, then there were 5 minute break, and 2nd part began, Welcome to the yoonho’s world. The big screen was brought down, and the video began playing.

The video is really well done. There were many parts to it. First is some funny clips of Yunho in Heading to the Ground, the part where he couldn’t communicate in English, and the scene where he was so excited on the bus that he kicked the seat in front of him. 2nd part is natural beauty, airport videos from a long time ago until now. Can’t remember the order of what happened…… then it was so hot, it was very sexy……. everyone screamed. there’s a so cute part, dancing part, yoonhoVS UKNOW, and O, Purple Line, Mirotic, Hey! a couple of these songs combined together…… everything was done super well. There were times where it showed clips of them ing together…… the atmosphere was gerat. The video was very long, every part was amazing. I regret not recording it.
Oh yes, there were a couple of clips of from their concerts in China, where Yunho screamed in Chinese, everyone laughed. The korean fan next to me asked: Chinese right? haha.
In the end there was Checkmate…… everyone was scream…… my poor ear drums= = there was aslo a very touching clip, watching the the five of them walking the hard road to get to where they are today……. I almost cried.
The third part is also video clip, the main point of it was Heading to the Ground. They were interviews of the co-stars, 2 of them even send in a video clip wishing Yunho happy birhtday.
In the end
Dad had a long letter. I forgot but Don’t Cry My Lover or Don’t Say Goodbye was the background music of a part of the video, there were a lot of touching words……
I could only remember just about this much, there were a lot of fans, all the seats were filled. There were a lot of older fans= = Yunho really has fans of all ages! Last word, Yunho, Happy birhday~~
credit: yoonhobar
trans+shared by: sharingyoochun.net
Spanish Translation / Traduccion al Español
El 31 de enero, a las 2:06pm, la fiesta del 25º cumpleaños de Yunho comenzó. Yoxin y yo llegamos cerca de la 1:00pm. Despues de bajar del transporte público, aún no podiamos encontrar la entrada de la escuela. Fue hasta que vimo un gran poster con el rostro de Yunho que estaba justo cruzando la calle = = Corrimos, y tomamos un monton de fotos.
Cuando entramos, estaban mostrando clips de una entrevista con el profesor de Yunho en la pantalla. Debido q hque habia muchas personas precipitadas, el evento realmente comenzó a las 2:10. Por que mi coreano es del nivel principieante, no pude entender mucho = = Trabajaré en esto...
Primero, tres amigo de yunho fueron presentados junto con su hermano (creo que ha habido un problema en la traduccion, ya que Yunho tiene solamente una Hermana) y padres. Uno de los amigos fue el que Yunho habia presentado en un programa. Luego trajeron un pastel de cumpleaños, y todos allí cantaron Feliz Cumpleaños. El animador especialmente pidio que todos canten "Querido Yoonho oppa" juntos.
Luego hicieron un par de preguntas, la mayoría fue acerca de algunas cosas interesantes que le pasaron a Yunho (PD: disculpen por mi pobre coreano y mi memoria)
1) Filmación
Los amigos de Yunho revelaron que Yunho ama ver películas, asi que el animador preguntó que tipo de películas le gusta a Yunho ver, sus amigos dijeron... No hay muchas películas que las termina de ver. Por Yunho siempre se duerme viendolas. Todos en el evento rieron. El amigo comenzó imitando como Yunho se duerme, con una mano bajo su mentón para poyarse, luego la cabeza se agacha lentamente, luego pretende como su nada pasara y se sienta, mientras mira alrededor, entonces el proceso comienza de nuevo... jajaja
2) 85club
Hablaron acerca de como el 85club fue formado, despues que harian, y donde irian para divertirse.
3) Heading to the Ground 'Escenas de Beso'
Uno de los amigos dijo, ni siquiera tuvieron que llamar a Yunho para decirle como le estaba llendo en la filmación, por qie casi todo el día cerca de 10:00-11:00, cerca de esa hora la transmisión terminaba, recibian una llamada de Yunho, preguntando su vieron la emisión de ese día y tales cosas, como preguntando por su opinion. Los amigos de Yunho dijeron que realmente trabajaba duro para filmar su drama. Acerca de la escena del beso, no pude entender, sus 2 amigos hablaban muy rápido TT
4) Cafetería
El amigo de Yunho dijo que a yunho realmente le gusta ir a cafeterias, algunas veces van despues de ver una película = = Asi que el animador preguntó qué es lo que Yunho usualmente ordenaría. Su amigo dijo que Yunho usalmente ordena helado y chocolate = = y un tipo de postre, lo siento no pude escuchar claramente.
5) Cuando la primera parte del evento estaba a mitad del camino, uno de los amigos de Yunho preguntó si debia llamar a Yunho. Despues de un montón de gritos de los fans, el amigo sacó su celular y llamó a Yunho. Cuando Yunho contestó, los fans comenzaron a gritar de nuevo. Yunho dijo que estaba en Japón en ese mismo momento. Despues de agradecer a todos, todas los fans cantaron Feliz Cumpleaños a él, incluyendo "querido Yoonho oppa". Yunho se rió, y todos rieron con él. El animado hizo un par de preguntas, pero mi coreano no es tan bueno = = y no pude escuchar muy bien, con el telefono teia el microfono.
Por que Yunho dijo que estaba aún en apón, y parecía como que aún tenia actividades esperandolo, no se quedó en el teléfono por mucho tiempo, cerca de 5-10 minutos. Debido a la petición de todos, cantó para nosotros. Cuando sus amigos le pidieron que cante uas lineas, sonó como si estuviera pensando, asiq ue todos escuchamos un largo "Um~~~~", luego su amigo pensó que estaba listo, asi que comenzó a contar: 1,2 ...ni siquiera habia terminado de contrar cuando escuchamos un grito de preocupación del otro lado del teléfono chaganma chaganma (espera, espera)~~ jaja, nos matamos de risa. Al final cantó una lineas, sonaba familiar, pero no puedo decir que canción... Al final de la llamada telefónica, agradeció a todo de nuevo, diciendo que continuará trabajando duro. su amigo le mintió diciendo que habia 30,000 fans en este evento, lo dijo cerca de 3veces = = Yunho se rió, los fans del evento gritaron fuertemente para darle el sentimiento de 30,000 fans presentes, todos estaban de buen ánimo.
Cuando la primera parte terminó, sus 3 amigos y su familia se fueron, luego hubieron 5 minutos de descanso, y la 2da parte comenzó, Bienvenidos al mundo de Yoonho. Y el video comenzó.
El video estaba bien hecho. Hubieron muchas partes. Primero algunos clips divertidos de Yunho en Heading to the Ground, la parate donde no podia comunicarse en ingles, y la escena donde estaba muy emocionado en el bus que patió el asiento delantero. 2da parte era belleza naturalm videos del aeropuerto de hace mucho tiempo hasta ahora. No puedo recordar el orden en que pasó... luego fuer sexy, muy sexy... todos gritaron. Hubo una aprte dulce, de bailem Yoonho Vs U-Know, y O, Purple Line, Mirotic, Hey! un par de estas canciones combinadas juntas... todo estaba hecho super bien. Hubieron momentos donde aparecieron clips de ellos juntos... La atmósfera era grandiosa. El videoera muy largo, cada parte era asombroza. Me arrepiento de no haberlo grabarlo.
Oh si, hubieron un par de clip de sus conciertos en China, donde Yunho grita en china, todos rieron. Una fan coreana que se encontraba a mi lado me pregunta: Chino verdad? jaja.
Al final era Checkmate... todos gritaron... mis podres tímpanos0 = también hubo un clip muy conmovedor, viendo a los cinco de ellos caminando el duro camino para llegar donde estan hoy... casi lloré
La tercera parte también fue un video clip, el punto principal fue Heading to the Ground. Hubieron entrevistas de las co-protagonistas, 2 de ellos incluso enviaron un videos deseandole a Yunho feliz cumpleaños.
Al final
El Papá tuvo una larga carta. La olvidé pero Don't Cry My Lover o Don't Say Good Bye era la musica de fondo de una parte del video, hubieron muchas palabras conmovedoras...
Solo pude recordar solo acerca de esto, hubieron muchos fans, todos los asiento estuvieron llenos. Hubieron muchas fans mayores= = Yunho realmente tiene fans de todas las edades!
Últimas palabras, Yunho, Feliz Cumpleaños~~
creditos: yoonhobar
Trad al Ingles: sharingyoochun.net
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
Compartido por: SharingYoochun+ 2uAngels