Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Monday, January 11, 2010

[PICS]President Lee Myung Bak is a DBSK fan?

For those of you that don’t know who Lee Myung Bak is (like me), he is the president of South Korea! Before he became president, he was the CEO of Hyundai Engineering and Construction, and the mayor of Seoul

Look what’s in his hand!! Not just a red balloon… but a red balloon with 東方神起 on it!!

credit: yoonhobar
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spanish translation / Traduccion al Español

[TRAD] El Presidente Lee Myung Bak es fan de DBSK?

Para aquellos que no saben quien es Lee Myung Bak, él es el presidente de Corea del sur!, antes de llegar a ser presidente, el era el gerente de Hyundai Engineering and Construction, y el alcalde de seúl.

Miren lo hay en su mano!! no solo un globo rojo... pero un globo rojo con 東方神起 en el!

creditos: yoonhobar
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