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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

[TRANS] 100107 TVXQ's U-Know Yunho Visits Grandmother In Hospital

TVXQ's U-Know Yunho is garnering attention for visiting the JangsungHyo Love Hospital in Jeolla Province during the afternoon of the 6th to give his greetings for the New Year.

U-Know Yunho was there to visit his grandmother at the hospital as soon as he returned from his activities in Japan.

U-Know Yunho, who went to visit his grandmother at the hospital despite his busy schedule, gave the elderly at the hospital rice cakes and drinks and is said to have had a great time with them.

The reason that U-Know Yunho's visit is in the spotlight is because not many family members visit patients due to the nature of the long-term hospital so he is being seen as a role model for his visit there.

On the other hand, TVXQ, in which U-Know Yunho is a member, ranked as the most searched artiste at the Kouhaku Uta Gassen 2009 and solidified their popularity overseas as well as in Korea.

Source: [maeil newspaper+DNBN]
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Traduccion al español/ Spanish translation

[Trad]Yunho visita a su abuela en el hospital

Yunho de TVXQ esta atrayendo la atencion por la visita al hospital de Jangsunghyo en la provincia de Jeolla durante la tarde del 6 para dar su saludo de el año nuevo.

Yunho estaba alli para visitar a su abuela en el hospital tan pronto el retorno de sus actividades en Japon.

Yunho, fue a visitar a su abue en el hospita a pesar de su apretada agenda, dio a los Ancianos del hospital, pasteles de arroz y bebidas y es dicho que ha tenido un gran momento con ellos.

La razon de la visita de Yunho esta en el centro de la antecion, es por que no muchos miembros de la familias visitan a los pacientes debido a la naturaleza del largo periodo en el hospital por lo que se considare como un modelor por su visita alli.

Por otro lado, TVXQ en cual Yunho es un miembro, clasifico como uno d elos mas buscados artistas en el kouhaku Uta Gassen 2009 y solidifico su popularidad en el extranjero como tambien en Corea.

Fuente: [maeil newspaper+DNBN]
Traduccion al ingles:
Traduccion al español: 2uangels
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