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Friday, January 22, 2010

[TRANS] 100121 TVXQ's U-Know Yunho Secretly Donates To Haiti

It was found that TVXQ's U-Know Yunho donated to the earthquake victims of Haiti while trying not to draw attention to himself.

On the 20th, 'MBC Newsdesk' revealed the names of those who participated in the donations to help the Haiti earthquake victims.

'Jung Yunho', which is also U-Know Yunho's real name, was seen amidst the names and fans began speculating whether or not this was TVXQ's U-Know Yunho.

MBC carefully stated, "We're not supposed to reveal the donor's identity without his or her consent," and "U-Know Yunho's father called in instead, gave his condolences for the people of Haiti and donated 5 million Won (approximately $4,400)."

MBC also stated that, "He told us that the donor wished for us to show the donation under the name Jung Yunho so not to have his identity as a celebrity revealed. We thought that he did not want or need his stage name to be seen with his donation so we put Jung Yunho in the subtitles."

Netizens said, "His actions shine brighter because he donated under his real name," "It's great to see him donating secretly," and "He is good to the core," and left words of praise for U-Know Yunho.

Source: [etoday+DNBN]
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Spanish Translation / Traduccion al Español

[TRAD] U-Know Yunho de TVXQ Dona en Secreto a Haití

Se supo que U-Know yunho de TVXQ hizo una donación para las víctimas del terremotot de Haití tratando de no llamar la atención.

El 20, 'MBC Newsdesk' reveló los nombres de aquellos que participaron en las donaciones para ayudar a las víctimas del terremoto en Haití.

'Jung Yunho', que es el verdadero nombre de U-Know Yunho, fue visto entre los nombres y los fans comenzaron a especular si o no este era U-Know Yunho de TVXQ.

MBC cuidadosamente declaró, "Se supone que no debemos revelar la identidad el donador sin su consentimiento," y el padre de U-Know Yunho llamó, dio sus condolencias al pueblo de Haití y donó 5 millones de won (aproximadamente $4,400)."

MBC también declaró que , "Nos dijo que el donante deseaba que nosotros mostremos la donación bajo el nombre de Jung Yunho asi que no tenemos su identidad como una celebridad revlada. Pensamos que no queria o necesitaba su nombre artístico para ser visto con su donación asi que puso Jung Yunho en los subtítulos."

Los internautas dijeron, "Sus acciones brillan más por que donó bajo su verdadero nombre", "Es grandioso verlo donando en secreto", y "Es bueno de corazón," y dejaron palabras de elogio para U-Know Yunho.

Fuente: [etoday+DNBN]
Trad al Ingles:
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copartido por: 2uAngels

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