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Monday, February 1, 2010

[TRANS] 100201 Tohomobile - Staff Blog

Yunho taking photos!

He's doing a good job for a lot of the shots!!

Yunho is doing a photoshoot for [POPTEEN]♪
His pose is just absolutely fantastic


Changmin is too good looking... it's dangerous.

One of the frames for the [SPUR] photoshoot.

The male camp was murmuring with a straight face "If I can be re-born, I want to be Changmin." (laugh)

Changmin was very modest, but he was really very cool!

(T/N: I can't read the last line too clearly cos it's blocked :\)

Source: [shooku & baidutvxq]
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Spanish Translation / Traduccion al Español

[TRAD] 100201 Tohomobile - Staff blog

Yunho tomandose Fotos!

Esta haciendo un buen trabajo para muchas tomas!!

Yunho está haciendo una sesión de fotos para [POPTEEN]♪
Su pose es absolutamente fantástica


Changmin es tan guapo... es peligroso.

Uno de los marcos para la sesión de fotos de [SPUR]

Un grupo de hombres murmuraba con rostro serio "Si pudiera volver a nacer, quiero ser Changmin." (risas)

Changmin era muy modesto, pero era realmente muy genial!

(N/T: No puedo leer la última linea claramente por que esta bloqueado :/)

Fuente: [shooku & baidutvxq]
Trad al Ingles:
Trad al Español:
Comaprtido por: 2uAngels

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