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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Thursday, February 11, 2010

[TRANS/NEWS] 100210 Junho Will Release Album in China!

TV Daily News Korea
2010. 02.10 10:30

TVXQ's Xiah Junsu's twin brother Kim Junho will have a fan meeting in China and he will also release album in China to begin his activities as a singer.

According to Chinese media yesterday, it was announced, that Kim Junho who is well-known to be a big brother of Xiah Junsu of TVXQ will release his official album and he will also hold a fan meeting on February 28, 2010, according to the news released in Beijing, China yesterday.

In addition, Xiah Junsu is going to participate in an event this time and he takes big interest in his brother's upcoming events and activities.

Kim Junho who is Xiah Junsu's twin brother appeared in MBC TV entertainment program "Introducing the friend of the star" in a handsome and distinguished look, resembling his younger brother. He is tall and he used to be a baseball player. He pulled attention with his special dance and singing ability which he displayed performing together with his younger brother Junsu.

Prior to his debut, Junho had expressed his affection to China and studied Chinese language at Beijing instructor college in China (北京師範大学校), and Junho appeared in TV programs such as “天天向上” and "I love you/我爱你" and received great responses in China.

Always Keep The Faith!

Source Credit: TV Daily News (Korea)
Translated by:
Shared by: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

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Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[NOTICIAS] 100210 Junho Lanzará Álbum en China

TV Daily News Korea
2010. 02.10 10:30

El hermano gemelo de Kim Junsu de TVXQ, Kim Junho tendrá un fan meeting en China y también lanzará un álbum allí para comenzar sus actividades como cantante.

De acuerdo a los medios de comunicación chinos, ayer, fue anunciado que Kim Junho quien es bien conocido por ser el hermano de Xiah Junsu de TVXQ lanzará su álbum oficial y también llevará a cabo un fan meeting el 28 de Febrero del 2010, conforme a las noticias de ayer publicadas en Beijing, China.

Además, Xiah Junsu va a participar en un evento esta vez y tóma un gran interes en los próximos eventos y actividades de su hermano.

Kim Junho quien es el hermano gemelo de Xiah Junsu apareció en el programa de entretenimiento de la MBC "Introduciendo el amigo de una Estrella" con una apariencia elegante y distinguida, parecida a su hermano menor. Él es alto y solía ser un jugador de Beísbol. Llamó la atención con su baile special y su habilidad de canto que desplegó performando junto con tu hermano menor Junsu.

Antes de su debut, Junho habia expresado su afección a China y estudió el lenguaje chino en La universidad de Profesores de Beijing en China (北京師範大学校), y Junho apareció en programas de TV tales como “天天向上” y "Te amo/我爱你" y recibió grandes reespuestas en China.

Always Keep The Faith!

Fuente: TV Daily News (Korea)
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Compartido por: {One World.One Red Ocean.One TVXQ!}+ 2uAngels

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