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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

[TRANS] 100217 Backstreet Boys “TVXQ, It’s Like Looking In A Mirror”

The Backstreet Boys know Korean group TVXQ.

The Backstreet Boys said, “We met a Korean group called TVXQ in Japan some time ago,” and “They looked and dressed differently, but other than the fact that they color coordinate their clothes and are of a different race, it was like looking in the mirror for us.” They continued to say, “I remember thinking that TVXQ reminds us of our former selves.”

source: [nate news+Yuaerubi]
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Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 100217 Backstreet Boys "TVXQ, Es como vernos en el Espejo"

Los Backstreet Boys conocen al grupo coreano TVXQ.

Los Backstreet boys dijeron, " nosotros conocimos a un grupo coreano llamado TVXQ en japon hace algun tiempo atras," y " Ellos lucian y vestian de diferente modo, aparte del echo de que ellos coordinan el color de su ropa y son de una raza diferente, era como mirarnos al espejo para nosotros". Ellos continuaron diciendo, " Recuerdo pensar que TVXQ nos recordaba a como nosotros eramos antes".

Fuente: [nate news+Yuaerubi]
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