Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Sunday, April 25, 2010

[INFO] Privilege Magazine 'Who is the sexiest Man of the World 2010 '

The Online Magazine 'Privilege' from Peru has created a ranking of 'The Sexiest Men of the World' and also has made a poll to choose 'the sexiest man of the world 2010'. And the five boys are nominees!!!
The poll will finish in December 2010! Please vote for our boys~

If you wanna vote just click HERE

Scroll down to reach the poll, select one of the members and click in Vote! & that's all~~

*'Privilege' is an Online Magazine very well known in Peru*

Source: Privilege Magazine
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Spanish /Español

[INFO] Revista Privilege 'Quién es el Hombre más Sexy del Mundo?'

La Revista Peruana Privilege esta haciendo una votación para saber 'quien es el Hombre más Sexy en el Mundo del 2010'
Y nuestros 5 miembros estan nominados, para votar solo ve aquí AQUI

*Ojo: Es una Revista Online y la votación termina en Diciembre del 2010*

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