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Sunday, May 23, 2010

[TRANS] 100521 Lee Yeon Hee's Cyworld Update: Jeju Island Filming Done

Actress Lee Yeon Hee has posted a photo of her while having a short rest during the filming of the drama, Paradise Meadow. On the 17th of this month, Lee Yeon Hee posted a recent photograph of herself on her mini homepage as well as a few words on the current situation. Lee Yeon Hee has been busy filming the drama, Paradise Meadow, with a member of TVXQ, Choikang Changmin. She wrote "it is a short rest and the shooting in Jeju Island has ended smoothly", "There is only a small part left and it will be finished very soon" and also "Until the day of the broadcast of Paradise Meadow, I hope everyone will look foward to it."

The drama, Paradise Meadow, is one that has Jeju Island as the scenery and is about the career and love life of the young.

Source: [junsoopalace] + [newsway] + [Lee Yeon Hee's Cyworld]
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Spanish translation/Traduccion al español

[TRAD] 100521 Actualización del Cyworld de Lee Yeon Hee: La Filmación en la Isla Jeju terminada

La Actruz Kee Yeon Hee ha posteado una foto de ella mientras tenia y breve descanso durante las grabaciones del drama, Paradise Meadow. El 17 de este mes, Lee Yeon Hee posteo unas recientes fotografias de ella misma en su pagina principal ademas de unas cuantas palabras sobre la actual situacion. Lee Yeon Hee ha estado ocupada filmando el drama, Paradise Meadow, con un miembro de TVXQ, Chokang Changmin. Ella escribio "es un breve descanso y la filmacion en la Isla Jeju ha terminado sin problemas", "Hay un pequeña parte dejada y sera terminada muy pronto" y tambien " Hasta el dia la emicon de Paradise Meadow, Espero que todos lo aguarden con interés."

El drama, Paradise Meadow, es el que tiene como escenario a la Isla Jeju y es sobre la carrera y la vida amorosa de los jóvenes.

Fuente: [junsoopalace] + [newsway] + [Lee Yeon Hee's Cyworld]
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