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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

[Trans] 100823 Choi Soo Jong’s New Political Drama “President” – Shim Changmin To Participate?

Choi Soo Jong finished with the filming of "Comrades"

With the filming of "Comrades" closing to an end, Choi Soo Jong will take the lead role of upcoming KBS2TV Wednesday/Thursday drama "President".

With the subject centering around politics, "President" will reveal the many strifes and intriguing conflicts that revolves around the presidential elections through the main character's step by step journey in achieving Presidency.

It has been said that "President" will be the sequel "Runaway", airing early December this year. Currently, actors for the drama are in the midst of being selected, with Korean female actor Shin Se Kyeong and TVXQ member Shim Changmin as popular candidates.

(irrelevant materials omitted)

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Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 100823 Nuevo Drama Político de Choi Soo Jong "Presidente" - Shim Changmin Participará?

Choi Soo Jong terminó con la filmación de "Comrades"

Con la fimación de "Comrades" llegando a su final, Choi Soo Jong tomará el papel principal de próximo drama de KBS2TV de Miercoles/Jueves, "Presidente".

El tema centrado a la política, "Presidente" revelará las muchas luchas e intrigantes conflictos que se desarrollan en torno a las eleciones presidenciales a través del viaje, paso a paso del personaje principal en alcanzar la presidencia.

Se ha dicho que "Presidente" será la secuela de "Runaway", transmitiendose a principios de Diciembre de este año.

Actualmente, los actores para el drama estan en medio de ser seleccionados, con la actriz coreana Shin Se Kyeong y el miembro de TVXQ, Shim Changmin, como los populares candidatos.

(material irrelevante omitido)

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Compartido por: 2uAngels

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