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Saturday, May 8, 2010

[News] 100507 Sunao Ni Narenakute Episode 5 Synopsis

Nakaji and co. are drinking at the Emotion. There, Doctor has thankful feelings because of their help with his case. He suddenly confesses his feelings to Haru, which leads her to be confused by the suddenness of this. Doctor asked Nakaji about this, and replied that someone like Doctor would be good to protect Haru. However at that moment, Peach splashes her drink on Nakaji’s face…

Haru says “sorry” and then leaves the shop. Doctor who is still in shock continues drinking, accompanied by Linda and Peach. On the other hand, Nakaji is on his way home with Haru. Kiriko who is in Nakaji’s room, sees the two together.

That night, Nakaji’s father – Ryosuke collapses, and Nakaji is notified, and he arrives first to the hospital.

At that time, Doctor goes to visit Nakaji, and announces that he won’t give up on Haru…

source: Source: [Sunao ni Narenakute HP]
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Spanish Translation/ Traducción al Español

[NOTICIAS] 100507 Sunao Ni Narenakute Episodio 5 Sinopsis

Nakaji y co estan tomando en Emotion. Allí, Doctor tiene sentimientos de agradecimiento por que la ayuda de ellos con su caso. De repente confiesa sus sentimientos a Haru, lo cual la confunde por lo repentino de esto. Doctor le pregunta a Nakaji acerca de esto, y responde que alguien como Doctor debería ser buena para proteger Haru. Sin embargo en ese momento, Peach rocía su bebida en el rostro de Nakaji...

Haru dice "lo siento" y deja la tienda. Doctor quien aún se encuentra en shock continua bebiendo, acompañado por Linda y Peach. Por otro lado, Nakaji está camino a casa con Haru. Kiriko quien está en la habitación de Nakaji, ve a los dos juntos.

Esa noche, el padre de Nakaji - Ryosuke colapsa, y Nakaji es notificado, y él llega primero al hospital.

En ese momento, Doctor va a visitar a Nakaji, y le dice que no renunciará a Haru...

Fuente: Source: [Sunao ni Narenakute HP]
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Compartido por: 2uAngels

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