Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Monday, August 16, 2010

[Trans] SungKyunKwan Scandal Trailer

credit: DBxTOHO7

SunJun : I am Lee SunJun. I don’t care if you hate me or not, but I can’t accept if you say I’m wrong.
Confucian Lee SunJun.
SunJun : Take off your clothes.
YunHee : What???
YunHee : Just give me some more (money). You should pay me first. That’s the rule.
Crossdressed brother Kim YunHee.
YongHa : I will definitely take her clothes off tonight.
Ladies player Gu YongHa.
JaeShin : Are you guys crazy? How dare you?
Moon JaeShin (he’s the beast of the dynasty).
August, 30th
Guys who are more beautiful than flowers are coming.

credits: Kenoa+詩 for sharingyoochun
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Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] Adelanto de SungKyunKwan Scandal

SunJun : Soy Lee SunJun. No me importa si me odian o no, pero no podré aceptar si me dicen que estoy equivocado.
Confucian Lee SunJun.
SunJun : Quítate tu ropa.
YunHee : Qué???
YunHee : Solo dame algo más (dinero). Debes pagarme primero. Esa es la regla.
Vestido como el hermano de Kim YunHee.
YongHa : Definitivamente le quitaré la ropa a ella esta noche.
El jugador Gu YongHa.
JaeShin : Estan locos? Como se atreven?
Moon JaeShin (la bestia de la dinastía)

30 de Agosto
Chicos que con mas lindos que las flores estan viniendo.

creditos: Kenoa+詩 for sharingyoochun
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