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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
[VDO] Yunho HTTG - MBC HOT! TV Happy Time
Translator: d0ngbangl0ve
Timer: mrckdexter
Typesetter: fseventh & dreammssxx
Qcer: dreammssxx
Encoder mcl0521
[VDO] Colors~PV Offshot [ENGSUB]
Translator: Junsuluv
Spot translator: Aly
Timer: Mcl0521
Typesetter: dreammssxx
QCer: Mcl0521
Encoder: Nydia
[TRANS] 090928 The Secret of the Drama Title "Heading to the Ground"

Tohoshinki is said to have 800,000 to 1,000,000 members in their fanclub "Cassiopeia." Yunho, one of Tohoshinki's members, is now challenging for his first drama, "Heading to the Ground." At the start, the program's ratings were rather low, but it seems to be gradually increasing. Since Tohoshinki is very popular in Japan, and one of the members is starring in the drama, we believe that it will be aired in Japan; and so we focused on its title.
Just for the time being, the Japanese title of the drama is translated to "Jimen ni Heading" (T/N: Heading to the Ground) from the original "Maen Ttang e Heading." But some of the Japanese media are stating the title as "Do One's Best."

(Maen Ttang e Heading)
Let's verify the above Hangul alphabets:
[Maen] means "nothing"
[Ttang] means "earth" or "ground"
[e] means the particle "to"
So, if we translate it literally, it means "Heading to the Ground." And if we use this as the title, it will sound odd.
This phrase is often used in Korea, and it means "All efforts came to nothing" or "Reckless faith." And there is one more meaning: "Challenge to the impossible."
Especially in Korea, where the triumph spirits are high, it seems that the phrase is mainly used by the latter meaning. There is even a book published with the title "23 Years Old. Challenge to the Impossible" by Yung Su-yong. This was a study-abroad essay written by a Korean girl, studying in Australia, who couldn't speak English.
This time, Cha Bong-Goon (Yunho) is aiming to be the Korean soccer representative from a soccer team that was dissolved. So we think that the correct title of the drama should be the same as that of the book introduced above. Thus, the title should not be "Do One's Best," but rather, it should be with a bit of a stronger nuance which shows the challenging spirits. We are interested whether or not the title will be changed when the drama is aired in Japan.
Source: navicon
Translation: smiley and junsulv @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
Spanish Translation / Traduccion al Español
Tohoshinki se dice que tiene 800,000 a 1,000,000 miembros en su fanclub "Cassiopeia." Yunho, uno de los miembros de Tohoshinki, es ahora en un reto por su primer drama, "Heading to the Ground." Al principio, el raiting del programa fue bastante bajo, pero parece que esta gradualmente aumentando.
Ya que Tohoshinki es muy popular en Japón, y uno de los miembros esta protagonizando en el drama, creemos que sera transmitido en Japón; y asi que no fijamos en su titulo.
Solo por el momento, el titulo japones del drama es traducido a "Jimen ni Heading" (N/T: Heading to the Ground)del original "Maen Ttang e Heading." Pero algunos medios japoneses estan indicando el titulo como "Hacer todo lo posible".

(Maen Ttang e Heading)
Vamos a verificar el alfabeto Hangul de arriba:
[Maen] significa "nada"
[Ttang] significa "tierra" o "campo"
[e] significa el articulo "a"
Asi que, si lo traducimos litralmente, significaria "Encabezando el campo" (Heading to the Ground). y si usamos esto como el titulo suena extraño.
Esta frase es usada a menudo en Corea, y significa, "Todos los esfuerzos llegaron a nada (Todos los esfuerzos para nada)" o "Temeraria Fé". Y hay un significado mas: "Desafio a lo imposible."
Especialmente en Corea, cuando los espiritus de triunfo son altos, parece que la frase es pricipalmente utilizada por el ultimo significado. Hay incluso un libro publicado con el titulo "23 Años.Desafio a lo imposible" por Yung Su-yong. Esto fue un estudio en el extranjero, relato escrito por una niña Coreana, que estudiaba en Australia, quien no podia hablar Ingles.
Esta vez, Cha bong-Goon (Yunho) esta apuntando a ser un jugador de futbol representante de un equipo de futbol que fue disuelto. Asi que pensamos que el titulo correcto del drama seria el mismo como el del libro presentado arriba. Asi, el titulo no seria "Hacer todo lo posible", sino mas bien, seria con un poco de mas fuerza matiz la cual muestra el espiritu desafiante. Estamos interesados si o no el titulo seria cambiado cuando el drama sea transmitido en Japón.
Fuente: navicon
Trad al Ingles: smiley and junsulv @ OneTVXQ.com
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
Creditos: OneTVXQ.com {One World.One Red Ocean.One TVXQ!}
[TRANS] 090930 Tohoshinki's Best Record! They Ship 180K On The First Day For The First Time!

Time: 9.11am
Jejung (23) and Yuchun (23) from Tohoshinki (a group consisting of 5 Korean members) formed a new unit under the name of 「JEJUNG & YUCHUN(from 東方神起)」and released their single 「COLORS ~ Melody and Harmony~」today, on the 30th. Taking into account that this is the first shipment only and they have already sent out 180,000 copies, this is a phenomenal record for the CD industry which is in recession. This is a start to Tohoshinki breaking their past "highest in history" records.
Theirs is the first unit (T/N: like a sub-group) from Tohoshinki, and it sparked a furor.
Early in September, when it was released online as a ringtone, the number of downloads exceeded 250,000. As of 29th September, the first shipment made for the CD exceeded 180,000.
Since Tohoshinki's debut in April 2005, up until their single「Stand by U」, 24 singles have been released, but Jejung & Yuchun's new single have erased the records Tohoshinki made in the past with a new personal best; this is the highest number of CDs shipped on the first day in Tohoshinki's history. It is highly possible that they might be able to ship out roughly 300,000 copies of the single, which is a very large number.
"COLORS", that was composed by the both of them "as a gift to the fans", was revealed in July this year during their Tokyo Dome concert. Due to the great reaction from the fans, it was made into a single.
With regards to their activities as a unit, during an interview Jejung smiled and said, "It's always been the 5 of us, so when it's just the 2 of us, it's completely different, and it's a fresh experience. It's not 2 people who have left the 5 to work on our own, but instead, we're showing you a new face. But since it's just the two of us, when we're doing the photoshoot and filming, it's a little lonely. When it's just the 2 of us (with Yuchun), it's a little embarrassing when our eyes meet." Yuchun said laughing, "New face? The most important thing for noodles is the soup! (T/N: Face & noodle sound the same in Japanese - 'men')" He also smiled and said that he hopes that their activities will be an "added plus to the activities they conduct as a group of 5".
In 2004, Tohoshinki started out with sales of 3,000 copies for their now memorable single, 「HUG」. In April 2005, their Japanese debut single 「Stay With Me Tonight」started off with 10,000 copies. At that time, only 200 fans attended their event, but their popularity in Japan grew gradually. On the 30th, their DVD 「4th LIVE TOUR 2009 〜The Secret Code〜 FINAL in TOKYO DOME」was released on the same day. Reaching 180,000 copies in the first day, it also seems like in the DVD department, they might also have a shot at breaking the highest record currently held by EXILE (shipped 350,000 copies). Tohoshinki's wave is increasingly unstoppable.
Source: [Daily Sports]
Translation credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits
Spanish Translation / Traduccion al Español

Fecha: 30 de Setiembre del 2009
Hora: 9:11 am
Jejung (23) y Yuchun (23) de Tohoshinki (un grupo que consiste de 5 miembros coreano) formaron una unidad bajo el nombre de 「JEJUNG & YUCHUN(from 東方神起)」y lanzaron su single「COLORS ~ Melody and Harmony~」hoy, el 30 de setiembre. Teniendo una cuenta que es solo la primera distribucion y ya han enviado 180,000 copias, esto es un record fenomenal para la industria de CD la cual esta en recesion.
Este es un comienzo para Tohoshinki rompiendo su record pasado "el mas alto de la historia"
La suya es su primera unidad (N/T: es como un sub-grupo) de Tohoshinki, y desperto un furor.
A principio de Setiembre, cuando fue lanzado online como un Ringtone, el numero de descargas exedio los 250,000. Desde el 29 de setiembre, el primer envio hecho por el CD, exedio los 180,000.
Desde el debut de Tohoshinki en Abril del 2005, hasta su singles 「Stand by U」, 24 Singles han sido realizados, pero el nuevo single de Jejung & Yuchun ha borrado el record que Tohoshinki hizo en el pasado una nueva marca personal; este es el numero mas alto de CDs distribuidos en el primer días de la historia de Tohoshinki. Es muy posible que fueran capaces de enviar aproximadamente unas 300,000 copias del singles, la cual es un numero muy grande.
"COLORS", que fue compuesto por los dos "como un regalo a los fans", fue lanzado en Julio de este años durante su concierto en Tokyo Dome. Debido a la grandiosa razon de los fans, fue hicho en un single.
Con respecto a sus actividades como unidad, durante una entrevista Jejung sonrio y dijo, "Siempre ha sido los 5 de nosotros, asiq ue cuando es solo 2, es completamente diferente, y es una experiencia refrescante, No son 2 personas que han dejado a los 5 para trabajar en o nuestro, pero en cambio, estamos mostrandoles una nueva vista. Pero ya que estamos solo los dos de nosotros, cuando estabamos haciendo la sesion de fotos y filmando, es un poco solitario. Cuando es solo 2 de nosotros (con Yuchun), es un poco embarazoso cuando nuestros ojos se encuentran." Yuchun dijo riendose, "Nueva vista? La cosa mas importantes para los fideos es la sopa! (N/T: Vista y Fideos suenan de la misma manera - 'men')" Tambien sonrio y dijo que espera que sus actividades sean un "Adicion mas a sus actividades que llevan a cabo como un grupo de cinco".
En el 2004, Tohoshinki empezó con ventas de 3,000 copias por sus ahora memorable single,「HUG」. En Abril del 2005, su Singles debut en Japon 「Stay With Me Tonight」empezó con 100,000 copias. En ese momento, solo 200 fans atendieron su evento, pero su popularida en Japón crecio gradualmente. El 30, su DVD 「4th LIVE TOUR 2009 〜The Secret Code〜 FINAL in TOKYO DOME fue lanzado el mismo día. Alcanzando 180,000 copias en el primer día, tambien parece como que en el departamento de DVD, tambien podrian romper el Record mas alto actualmente sostenido por EXILE (350,000 copias). La Ola de Tohoshinki esta cada vez más imparable.
Fuente: [Daily Sports]
Trad al Ingles: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
compartido por: tohosomnia.net + 2uAngels
[TRANS] 090929/30Tohomobile Special Site for Tokyo Dome DVD
Today, Tohomobile set up a special site dedicated to the release of Tohoshinki's upcoming release of Tokyo Dome Tour DVD! The content of the site is quite simple, here's a glimpse of it:

The site features a Q&A corner of each member about their thoughts of Tokyo Dome. The first person is Junsu. Other members' will be coming soon.
Junsu's Q&A:
This time, although he has accidentally hurt himself, Junsu still stood on his dream stage - the stage of Tokyo Dome. We had him answer the questions about the tour!
1. What was the most touching scene for you?
JS: When I started my part for the opening song "Secret Game", I saw that so many people have come to see us. I was very touched!
2. Please tell us one of your embarrassing moments.
JS: It's when I dropped my mic and couldn't sing...
3. What food did you think was the most delicious on tour?
JS: Hitsumabushi!
4. What is one song that has left a great impression on you?
JS: "Forever Love". The piano melody was so heartrending and I felt so touched!
Changmin's Q&A:
Although he's the youngest, Changmin was the most serious member during the MC corner. He shined with his manliness on stage♪
1. What was the most touching scene for you?
CM: When everyone changed their penlights' color.
2. Please tell us one of your embarrassing moments.
CM: This time I didn't have any ^^
3. What food did you think was the most delicious on tour?
CM: Gyutan [T/N: a Japanese food that is made from grilled beef tongue]
4. What is one song that has left a great impression on you?
CM: "Secret Game". It's a very appropriate song for the opening of the tour.
Special Corner - Memorial songs from the tour:
This time they had fans who attended the concert vote for their most memorial songs from the tour via emails and messages.
1. Stand by U. Reasons given included "the heartrending feelings that this song has conveyed", "the song is related to past experience" and of course "the surprised penlight project in Tokyo Dome".
2. Bolero. Reasons given - "it is a powerful song that overwhelmed the stage", "it's the encore song of the tour and it has left a very strong memory" and "the amazing harmonization of 5 members"
3. Begin. Reasons given - "Yoochun's piano", "Yoochun's piano and the 5 members' harmonization" and "the live piano performance has moved me"
4. Love in the Ice
5. Wasurenaide
6. Jumon - MIROTIC
7. Somebody To Love
8. Heart, Mind and Soul
9. Kiss The Baby Sky
10. TAXI
And today is also Tohomobile's 2nd anniversary. Wow, that's a long time!
Source: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
Translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
Spanish Translation / Traduccion al Español
Hoy, Tohomobile ha creado un sitio especial dedicado al proximo lanzamiento de Tokyo Dome Tour DVD de Tohoshinki!! El contenido del sitio es bastante sencillo, aqui una idea de ello:

El sitio cuenta con un segmento de Preguntas de cada miembro, acerca de sus pensamientos de Tokyo Dome. La primera persona es Junsu. La de los otros miembros estaran muy pronto.
Junsu :
Esta vez, aunque accidentalmente se hizo daño el mimso, Junsu aún estaba de pie en el escenario de su sueño - el escenario de Tokyo Dome. tuvimos sus respuestas de las preguntas acerca del tour!
1. Cual fue la escena mas conmovedora para ti?
JS: Cuando empezó mi parte en la cancion de apertura "Secret Game", vi que tantas personas vinieron a vernos. Estaba muy conmovido!!
2. Por favor dinos tus momentos embarazosos.
JS: Cuando mi microfono se me cayó y no podia cantar...
3. Qué comida crees que fue las mas deliciosa del tour?
JS: Hitsumabushi!
4. Cual es la cancion que ha dejado una gran impresion en ti?
JS: "Forever Love". la melodia del piano fue tan desgarradora y me senti muy conmovido!
Aunque es el mas joven, Changmin fue el miembro mas serio durante el segmento de platica. Brillo con su hombria sobre el escenario♪
1. Cual fue la escena mas conmovedora para ti?
CM: Cuando todos cambiaron los colores de sus luces [linternas].
2. Por favor dinos tus momentos embarasosos.
CM: Esta vez no tuve ninguno ^^
3. Qué comida crees que fue las mas deliciosa del tour?
CM: Gyutan [N/T: Una comida japonesa que esta hecha con lengua de vaca a la parrilla]
4. Cual es la cancion que ha dejado una gran impresion en ti?
CM: "Secret Game". Es una cancion muy apropiada para la apertura del tour.
Rincon Especial- Canciones conmemorativas del tour:
Esta vez los fans, quienes atendieron el concierto,tuvieron que votar por las canciones mas conmemorativas del tour via emails y mensajes.
1. Stand by U. Razones dadas incluyen "Los sentimientos desgarradores que esta cancion ha transmitido", "La cancion se relaciona a la experiencia pasada" y por supuesto, "El proyecto sorpresa de luces [linternas] en Tokyo Dome".
2. Bolera. Razones dadas - "Es una poderosa cancion que abrumo el escenario", "Es la cancion encore del tour y ha dejado un recuerdo muy fuerte" y "La asombrosa harmonizacion de los cinco miembros"
3.Begin. Razones dadas - "Yoochun en el piano", "Yoochun en el piano y la harmonizacion de los cinco miembros" y "La presentacion de piano en vivo que me ha conmovido".
4. Love in the Ice
5. Wasurenaide
6. Jumon - MIROTIC
7. Somebody To Love
8. Heart, Mind and Soul
9. Kiss The Baby Sky
10. TAXI
Y Hoy tambien es el 2do aniversario de Tohomobile.
Fuente: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
Trad al Ingles: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.om
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
[TRANS] 090926 Dong Bang Shin Ki Denies 'Drama Rumours'

Recently, the three members of Dong Bang Shin Ki (Hero JaeJoong, Micky YooChun and Xiah JunSu), who were involved in a lawsuit against their company, have once again emphasized that their intention is only to resolve their contract problem, and not to ‘disband’.
On the 25th of September, they stated through an interview with a newspaper that they were not aware of any drama plans. They also said that they will look into this issue, as they do not know what exactly happened, and even their managers were not notified of this, too.
On the other hand, Dong Bang Shin Ki's Hero JaeJoong, Micky YooChun and Xiah JunSu had filed a lawsuit against their agency company SM Entertainment, and had also successfully submitted the request for the evidence of their past earnings' history and receipts.
On the 21st of August, both parties were present at the Seoul Central Court for the hearing regarding cars that were owned by both, and are still waiting for a verdict from the court.*
* Referring to the cars that were 'supposedly' given to the three, but it turns out that they were still under SM Entertainment's name
Source: tvxqforme
Translation: sshutingg @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
Spanish translation/ traduccion al español
Recientemente, los tres miembros de dong Bang Shin Ki (Hero JaeJoong, Micky YooChun y Xiah JunSu), quieren fueron envueltos en un juicio contra su compañia, una vez mas se hizo emfasis que su intencion se solo resolver el problema del contrato, y no *disolverse*
En 25 de setiembre, ellos declararon a traves de una entrevista con un periodico, que ellos esstaban en conocimiento de ningun plan de drama. tambien dijeron que miraran dentro de este tema, como ellos saben que exactamente pasara, incluso sus managers no fueron notivicados acerca de esto tampoco.
Por otra parte, jejung de TVXQ, yoochun, Junsu habian presentado una demanda contra su compañia Sm Entertainment, y tambien han presentado exitosamente la solicitud de presentacion de evidencias se sus ganancias pasadas y recibos.
Coches en el 21 de agosto, ambas partes estuvieron presentes en el Tribunal Central de Seúl para la audiencia con respecto a que eran propiedad de ambos, y están a la espera de un veredicto de la corte .*
Refiriendose a los coches que ellos tuvieron *supuestamente* dados a los tres, resulta que ellos aun estan bajo el nombre de Sm Entertainment.
Fuente: tvxqforme
Traduccion al ingles: sshutingg @ OneTVXQ.com
Traduccion al español:2uangels.blogspot.com
Creditos: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
[TRANS] 090928 TVXQ and Yoona of Girls' Generation to be Witnesses of the Parliamentary Inspection

Yoona of Girls' Generation and the members of TVXQ are being issues, for they are selected to be witnesses of the parliamentary inspection of the administration which will proceed most probably on the 5th of October.
Seung-deok Kho and Mun-hwan Jo, members of the Grant National Party, have requested Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun of TVXQ, Yoona of SNSD and Lee Sooman, to be witnesses regarding the unjust contracts against entertainers at the Administration of Inspection of the Fair Trade Commision.
Parties concerned are claiming that even if they are selected as witnesses, the chances of attending the parliament is very small.
News by Kwon Ji-hyun of DCNews
Clarification by fseventh @ LJ:
I don't know why people confused with lsm and yoona as witnesses. As far as I know there are two kinds of witness. Witness that brought by victims who can supports their charge and the other one is witness that being brought by people who got charges, witness who can defense them.
Source: DCnews + segye
Translation: ahgo306 @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
Spanish Translation / Traduccion al Español
Yoona de Girls' Generation y los miembros de TVXQ estan siendo cuestionados, para ser seleccionados como testigos de la Inspeccion Parlamentaria de la administracion la cual se procedera probablemente el 5 de octubre.
Seung-deok Kho y Mun-hwan Jo, miembros de "the Grant National Party", han requerido a Jaejoong, Junsu y Yoochun de TVXQ, Yoona de SNSD y Lee Sooman, para ser testigos con respecto a los contratos injustos contra los artistas en la Administracion de Inspeccion de la Comision de Comercio Justo.
Las partes afectadas estan reclamando ue incluso si son seleccionanos como testigos, las posibilidades de atender el parlamento es muy pequeña.
Noticias por Kwon Ji-hyun de DCNews
Aclaracion por fseventh @ LJ:
No se por que la gente confunde con lsm y Yoona como testigos. Por lo que yose hay dos tipos de testigos. Testigos que son traidos pos las victimas quienes pueden apoyar su cargo y el otro es testifo que es traido por la personas que obtuvo los cargos, testigo que puede defenderlos.
Fuente: DCnews + segye
Trad al Ingles: ahgo306 @ OneTVXQ.com
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
Creditos: OneTVXQ.com {One World.One Red Ocean.One TVXQ!}
[NEWS] 090929 Yunho and Ara Bid Fans Happy Holidays

Boy band TVXQ member Chung Yun-ho, currently starring in MBC TV series "No Limit" and his co-star actress Ara have bid fans a happy Chuseok thanksgiving holiday.
"I hope everyone spends a joyful and bountiful Chuseok. I hope you continue to enjoy our drama too as much as everyone is working hard on it," Chung was quoted saying in a press release by his agency SM Entertainment on Tuesday.

Ara said: "I hope you have a happy Chuseok and make wishes looking at the full moon and eat delicious food." She added that she would be busy over the holidays shooting for her Wednesday and Thursday night drama.
Chuseok is a three-day holiday in Korea celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calender. The holiday falls on October 2 to 4 this year.

Source: asiae.co.kr
Shared by: junsulv @ OneTVXQ.com
Please take out with full credits. Thanks!
Spanish Translation / Traduccion al Español
El miembro de TVXQ, Jung Yunho, que actualmente protagoniza en la TV serie de la MBC "No Limit" y su so-protagonista Ara han deseado a sus fan un Feliz Chuseok.
"Espero que todo pasen un alegre y abundante Chuseok. Espero que continuen disfrutando de nuestro drama tanto ya que todo el mundo esta trabajando duro en ello," Jung fue citado lo dicho en una comunicado por su agencia SM Entertainment el martes.
Ara dijo: "Espero tengan un feliz, Chuseok yhagan deseos mirando a la luna llena y coman deliciosas comidas." Añadio que estaria ocupada durante las fiestas, filmando su drama de Miercoles y Jueves.
Cheseok es una festividad de tres-días en Corea, celebrada el día 15 del octavo mes del calendario lunar. La festividad es del 2 al 4 de octubre este año.
Fuente: asiae.co.kr
Compartido por: junsulv @ OneTVXQ.com
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
[VDO] 4th Live Tour "The Secret Code" Final in Tokyo Dome
Talk Part
THSK - Survivor
JaeChun - Colors~
Yunho - Checkmate
Changmin - Wild Soul
Credits: tvxqlove12000 @YT