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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

[TRANS] 090928 TVXQ and Yoona of Girls' Generation to be Witnesses of the Parliamentary Inspection

Yoona of Girls' Generation and the members of TVXQ are being issues, for they are selected to be witnesses of the parliamentary inspection of the administration which will proceed most probably on the 5th of October.

Seung-deok Kho and Mun-hwan Jo, members of the Grant National Party, have requested Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun of TVXQ, Yoona of SNSD and Lee Sooman, to be witnesses regarding the unjust contracts against entertainers at the Administration of Inspection of the Fair Trade Commision.

Parties concerned are claiming that even if they are selected as witnesses, the chances of attending the parliament is very small.

News by Kwon Ji-hyun of DCNews

Clarification by fseventh @ LJ:
I don't know why people confused with lsm and yoona as witnesses. As far as I know there are two kinds of witness. Witness that brought by victims who can supports their charge and the other one is witness that being brought by people who got charges, witness who can defense them.

Source: DCnews + segye
Translation: ahgo306 @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


Spanish Translation / Traduccion al Español

[TRAD] 090928 TVXQ y Yoona de Girls' Generation seran Testigos de la Inspeccion Parlamentaria

Yoona de Girls' Generation y los miembros de TVXQ estan siendo cuestionados, para ser seleccionados como testigos de la Inspeccion Parlamentaria de la administracion la cual se procedera probablemente el 5 de octubre.

Seung-deok Kho y Mun-hwan Jo, miembros de "the Grant National Party", han requerido a Jaejoong, Junsu y Yoochun de TVXQ, Yoona de SNSD y Lee Sooman, para ser testigos con respecto a los contratos injustos contra los artistas en la Administracion de Inspeccion de la Comision de Comercio Justo.

Las partes afectadas estan reclamando ue incluso si son seleccionanos como testigos, las posibilidades de atender el parlamento es muy pequeña.

Noticias por Kwon Ji-hyun de DCNews

Aclaracion por fseventh @ LJ:
No se por que la gente confunde con lsm y Yoona como testigos. Por lo que yose hay dos tipos de testigos. Testigos que son traidos pos las victimas quienes pueden apoyar su cargo y el otro es testifo que es traido por la personas que obtuvo los cargos, testigo que puede defenderlos.

Fuente: DCnews + segye
Trad al Ingles: ahgo306 @
Trad al Español:
Creditos: {One World.One Red Ocean.One TVXQ!}

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