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Friday, May 7, 2010

[TRANS] 100507 Yunho's Note To Aunt's Diner

To. Aunt's diner!!

Congratulations on your 2nd reopening anniversary
No matter when, you are as warm as my old home, making me very nostalgic
All along, we haven't changed, which is very joyous
In the future, please continue to use your love to protect, just like now


(t/n: to clear up misconceptions, this is his own aunt's restaurant/diner he's referring to. He's also describing their warm relationship as family)

Source: [baidutvxq]
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[Trad] Nota de Yunho al restaurante de tía

Para: Restaurante de Tía

Felicitaciones en tu segundo aniversario de reapertura
No importa cuando, eres tan calida como mi antiguo hogar, me pone muy nostalgico
Todo este tiempo, no hemos cambiado, que es muy alegre.
En el futuro, por favor, continua usando tu amor para proteger, justo como ahora.


(N/A para aclarar equivocaciones, esta es el restaurante de su tia que el se refiere. El tambien esta describiendo su calida relacion como familia.

Fuente: [baidutvxq]
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