Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Saturday, April 10, 2010

[TRANS] 100410 Tohomobile Staff Blog

His wish ☆

For the sake of YuChun who's been doing his best with his super hard filming schedule, during his free time, we went to eat ramen!

Because it's been a while since he ate ramen, he raised his voice delightedly and finished his meal! This is YuChun who was recharging his power before his last scene for today ♪


Today's filming…

Has already ended~!!

Since the pronunciation is hard, this is YuChun who kept practicing and practicing his pronunciation countless times before the filming!

Please look forward to the result of YuChun's hard work ♪


He came to support!

JunSu came to support YuChun's hard work!

While saying, "What~! JunSu, you're a nuisance~!", YuChun looked so happy (LOL). Maybe he was a bit embarrassed?

JunSu, thank you!
YuChun, thanks for your hard work!

Source: Tohomobile Staff Blog + linhkawaii
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 100410 Tohomobile Staff Blog

Su deseo ☆

Por el bien de Yuchun quien ha estado haciendo lo mejor de sí mismo con su super difícil programación, durante el tiempo libre, fuimos a comer ramen!

Por que ha pasado un tiempo desde que comió ramen, alzó su voz con deleite y terminó su comida! Este es Yuchun quien estaba recargando su poder antes de su última escena por hoy♪


La filmación de hoy…

Ya ha terminado~!!

Ya que la pronunciación es difícil, este es Yuchun quien se mantuvo practicando y practicando su pronunciación un sinnúmero de veces antes de la filmación!

Por favor esperen el resultado del duro trabajo de Yuchun♪


Vino para apoyar!

Junsu vino para apoyar el duro trabajo de Yuchun!

Mientras decia, "Que~! Junsu, eres un fastidioso~!", Yuchun lucía muy feliz (lol).
Quizas estaba un poco avergonzado?

Junsu, gracias!
Yuchun, gracias por tu duro trabajo!

Fuente: Tohomobile Staff Blog + linhkawaii
Trad al Ingles: linhkawaii @
Trad al Español:
Creditos: {One World.One Red Ocean.One TVXQ!}

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