According to the Korean media, the group TVXQ, who's having a dispute with their agency, will be having their second Japanese CM. Last July, there were chosen to be the endorser of the Japanese health drink, Oronamin C (with Ueto Aya). With this CM, they had made their debut in the Japanese CM industry.
This September, the group will be featured in a new CM under Pinky.
The Pinky CM is to be split into two different versions. THSK would be singing the CM's bgm, "Endless Sweetness" and on the 23rd, it will be released as a digital single.
Pinky's official website, pinky.jp, would be airing the new CM on the 7th of September.
Also, a merumaga of the Pinky recording will be given out! (T/N: merumaga = online magazine)
Please wait for more details.
Source: mingjiscm + jaejoong-china
Translation: mel @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
Spanish Translation / Traduccion al Español
De acuerdo con los medios de comunicacion Coreanos, el grupo TVXQ, quienes han estado teniendo una disputa con su agencia, estarán teniendo su segundo CM japones. El Pasado Julio, fueron escogidos de ser promotor de una bebida saludable japonesa, Oronamin C (con Ueto Aya). Con este CM, han hecho su debut en industria de comerciales japoneses.
Este setiembre, el grupo aparecera en un nuevo CM bajo Pinky.
El CM de Pinky se dividira en dos diferentes versiones. THSK estaria cantando el BGM del CM, "Endless Swetness" y el 23, estaran realizando un single digital.
La Pagina oficial de Pinky, pinky.jp, estaria trnasmitiendo el nuevo CM el 7 de setiembre.
Ademas, un merumaga de la grabacion de Pinky estara saliendo! (N/T: merumaga= revista online!)
Por favor, espera mas detalles.
Fuente: mingjiscm + jaejoong-china
Trad al Ingles: mel @ OneTVXQ.com
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
Creditos: OneTVXQ.com {One World.One Red Ocean.One TVXQ!}
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