Idols that are good in singing and dancing with their own ‘unique’ style have become icons of fashion.
Fashion Magazine ‘Flop,’ “Even if you are a musician, a sense of fashion is a basic requirement.”
The writer of the fashion column and chief editor of ‘T-Style’ commented about the fashion of current celebrities.
● Idol – Starter of Fashion Trend
The relationship between idol and fashion has become closer. Nowadays, the latest dressing style of idols has incurred the buying trend of young generations.
Whatever the idol wore to attend an event would increase the selling rate, be it a top brand or a normal brand of clothing. For example, the jeans worn by Dong Bang Shin Ki’s leader U-know Yunho.
Girls' Generation, Dong Bang Shin Ki, Wonder Girls, Brown Eyed Girls, 2PM, Kara, F.T Island, Super Junior, SS501 are all the idols - leaders of the fashion trend.
Source: 아이스타일24 (Eye Style 24) + BooTVXQ
Translation: sshutingg @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
Spanish Translation / Traduccion al Español
Idolos que son buenos cantando y bailando con su propio "unico" estilo han llegado a ser iconos de la moda.
Fashion Magazine "Flop", "Incluso si tu eres un musico, un sentido de moda es un requisito basico"
El escritor de la columna de moda y jefe editor de "T-Style" comento acerca de la moda de la celebridades actuales.
● Idolo – Entrada de tendencia de la Moda
La relacion entre idolo y fashion se ha acercado. Hoy en días, los ultimos estilos de vestir de los idolos ha incurrido en la tendencia de comprar las jovenes generaciones.
Cualquier cosa que el idolo vista para atender un evento incrementaria la tasa de venta, ya sea una marca superior o normal de ropa. Por ejemplo, los jeans por U-Know Yunho de Dong bang Shin Ki.
Girls' Generation, Dong Bang Shin Ki, Wonder Girls, Brown Eyed Girls, 2PM, Kara, F.T Island, Super Junior, SS501 son todos los idolos - lideres de la tendencia de la moda.
Fuente: 아이스타일24 (Eye Style 24) + BooTVXQ
Trad al Ingles: sshutingg @ OneTVXQ.com
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
Creditos: OneTVXQ.com {One World.One Red Ocean.One TVXQ!}
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