Kim Junsu's performances of the musical 'Tears of Heaven' were sold out in record time.
The last round of reservations were on the 31st at 11am, and all seats were sold out for Kim Junsu's performances in 2 minutes and 30 seconds. This is a new record for musical ticket reservations.
As there were not many seats available (4500 seats) in this third and final round and as there were around 30,000 domestic hopefuls, with an addition of fans overseas, the reservations were expected to be a 'ticket battle' fiercer than any other.
The first round of reservations of 10,000 seats was sold out in 5 minutes and the second round of 13,000 seats was sold out in 3 minutes and 30 seconds. In this third round, 4,500 seats were sold out in 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
Kim Junsu set the record of selling out all 17 of his 'Tears of Heaven' performances of 27,500 seats
Source: [donga+Yuaerubi]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits
Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español
La presentación de Kim Junsu en el musical 'Tears of Heaven' fueron vendidas en tiempo record.
La ultima ronda de reservaciones fueron el 31 a las 11am, y todos los asientos fueron vendidos para la presentación de Kim Junsu, en dos minutos 30 segundos. Este es un nuevo record de reservas de entradas para musicales
Como si no hubieran muchos asientos disponibles (4500 asientos) en esta tercera y ronda final, habian alrededor de 30,000 fans nacionales, con una adicion de fans del extranjero, las reservaciones fueron esperadas a ser una feroz "Batalla de Entradas" que en cualquier otra.
La primera ronda de reservaciones de 10,000 asientos fueron vendidas en 5 minutos y la segunda de 13,000 asientos fueron vendidas en 3 minutosy 30 segundos. En esta tercera ronda, 4,500 asientos fueron vendidos en 2 minutos y 30 segundos
Kim Junsu estableció el record de vender todas las 17 de su presentacion en "Tears of Heaven" de 27,500 asientos.
Fuente: [donga+Yuaerubi]
Traduccion al ingles: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Traduccion al español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
Compartido por: tohosomnia.net