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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Thursday, January 20, 2011

[TRANS] 110120 TVXQ's Thanks To Video on Mnet Countdown

"Thanks to TVXQ
"지난 7년이 헛되지 않게 해줘서 고마워요"

"당신들의 팬이라는 게 행복합니다"

And very special thanks to

"별은 하늘이 어두울수록 더 밝게 빛이 난대요"

"지금 더욱 빛나는 여러분과 우리들처럼"
very special thanks to From동방신기"


Thanks to TVXQ
Thank you, for not letting the past 7 years become futile.
It's a blessing to be your fan.

And very special thanks to

It's said that when the sky gets darker, the light from the stars shine even brighter,
just like you and us, who are shining even brighter now.
very special thanks to From TVXQ

Source: [Youtube + BaiduTVXQ]
Translation credits:
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Do not remove/add on any credits


Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 110120 Video De 'Gracias A' De TVXQ En Mnet Countdown

Gracias a TVXQ
Gracias, por no dejar que los últimos 7 años sean inútiles.
Es una bendición ser tu fan.

Y un muy especial gracias a

Se dice que cuando el cielo se oscurece, la luz de las estrellas brilla aún más,
justo como ustedes y nosotros, quienes estan brillando incluso más fuerte ahora.

un muy especial agradecimiento de TVXQ

Fuente: [Youtube + BaiduTVXQ]
Trad al Ingles:
Trad al Español:
Compartido por: 2uAngels

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