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Sunday, June 20, 2010

[TRANS] 100619 Alexander from U-Kiss on TVXQ, "They can never be replaced because they're just too good"

U-Kiss' Press Conference in Malaysia:


When asked what they think about ever replacing TVXQ, Alexander humbly answered, "We really adore TVXQ, they are our sunbaes (seniors). They're still the strongest group in Asia, and we set them as our target. They can never be replaced because they're just too good."
Conferencia de Prensa de U-Kiss en Malasia:
Cuando se le preguntó qué pensaban acerca de reemplazar a TVXQ, Alexander humildemente repondió, "Nosotros realmente adoramos a TVXQ, ellos son nuestros sunbaes. Aún es el grupo más fuerte de Asia, los establecimos como nuestro objetivo. Ellos nunca podran ser reemplazados por que ellos son demasiado buenos."

Source: SinChew Daily (Malaysia local newspaper)
Translation: Jae_Nee @ Twitter
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+ 2uAngels

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