Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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Spanish / Español

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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Sunday, June 20, 2010

[TRANS] 100620 Tohomobile Staff Blog, JeJung Finally Finished Filming for Sunanare

Filming ended!!

He has smoothly finished filming for "Sunao ni Narenakute"~ ♪ ♪

In this picture, Doctor was giving greetings to the extras through a megaphone (LOL).

Although he had filming from early morning to late night, it was very impressive to see JeJung always did his best! JeJung, thank you for your hard work!!

The drama will air its last episode this Thursday! What will Doctor and Haru become!? Everyone, please remember to check it out ♪

Source: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


Spanish translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 100620 Tohomobile Staff Blog, JeJung Finalmente Terminó La Filmación para Sunanare

La filmación terminó!!

Ha terminado la filmación para "Sunao ni Narenakute" sin problemas~ ♪ ♪

En esta foto, Doctor estuvo dando saludos a los extras a través del megáfono (lol).

Aunque habia filmado desde muy temprano en la mañana hasta muy tarde en la tarde, es muy impresionante ver a JeJung siempre dando lo mejor de sí mismo! JeJung, gracias por tu duro trabajo!!

El drama emitirá su último episodio este Jueves! en que se convertiran Doctor y Haru!? Todos, por favor recuerden en verlo♪

Fuente: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
Trad al Ingles: linhkawaii @
Trad al Español:
Creditos: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

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