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Friday, June 25, 2010

[TRANS] 100625 Tohomobile Staff Blog, Another One Who Hasn't Appeared for A While

YunHo Time!

Today YunHo is in Japan for many magazine photoshoots!

Since it's been a while since he saw the staff, he started off the photoshoots by shaking hands with them!



This time it's YunHo who's being interviewed.

He talked a lot about "No Limit ~Heading to The Ground~" ♪


Nice feeling~!

Next is his photoshoot for "MORE" magazine which will be published on 7/28!
Although the wind was strong… it seems like YunHo was feeling very good to have a outdoor shooting ♪

Good thing it wasn't raining!


Sexy YunHo ★

This time, YunHo looks thi~s seductive!!

Please look forward to "Chorus" which will be published on 7/28 ♪
There was even a watermelon in the studio ☆
YunHo got very excited and said, " I love watermelon!" ♪

T/N: Words on the watermelon: YunHo-san

Source: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 100628 Tohomobile Staff Blog, Otro Que No Ha Aparecido Por Un Tiempo

Momento de YunHo!

Hoy Yunho está en Japón para muchas sesiones fotográficas de revistas!

Ya que ha pasado un tiempo desde que vió al staff, comenzó la sesión saludandolos!



En este momento es Yunho quien está siendo entrevistado.

Habló mucho acerca de "No Limit ~Heading to The Ground~" ♪


Sentimiento Agradable~!

Lo que sigue es su sesión de fotos para la revista "MORE" la cual será publicada el 28/7!
Aunque el viento era fuerte... parece como que Yunho estaba sintiendose muy bien al tener una sesión fotográfica al aire libre ♪

Lo bueno era que no estaba lloviendo!


Sexy YunHo ★

Esta vez, YunHo luce así de seductor~!!

Por favor esperen a "Chorus" la cual será publicada el 28/7♪
Hubo incluso una sandía en el estudio ☆
Yunho se puso muy emocionado y dijo, "Amo la Sandía!" ♪

N/T: Palabras en la sandía: YunHo-san

Fuente: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
Trad al Ingles: linhkawaii @
Trad al Español:
Creditos: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

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