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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

[TRANS] 100629 Tohoshinki Trio In America For Recording

3 members of Tohoshinki – Junsu, Jejung & Yuchun flew to America for a recording. An official confirmed on the 28th that the three are currently staying in America and are working on their new album.

They also said that “The three members are planning to release this album in August, so they are currently preparing for that. With Asia as their target, this album will be released under a well-known international recording label. ”

Songwriter Kim Hyun-Suk is the producer for this project, and popular American hip-hop singers Kanye West, Timbaland and others will also be involved.

Source: [Chosun Online]
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[TRANS] 100629 El trio de Tohoshinki en America para grabacion

3 miembros de Tohoshinki- Junsu, Jejung y Yuchun volaron a America para grabar. Un funcionario confirmo que el 28 de Juno los tres estan actualmente en America y estan trabajando en su nuevo album.

Ellos tambien dijeron que " Los tres miembros estan planeando lanzar su album en agosto, asi que ellos actualmente se estan preparando para eso. Con Asia como su destino, el album sera lanzado bajo una bien conocida disquera internacional."

El compositor Kimm Hyun-Suk es el productor de este proyecto, y el popular cantante de Hip Hop Kanye West, Timbaland y otros estaran dentro.

Fuente: [Chosun Online]
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