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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

[TRANS] 100630 'Close Friend' Jaejoong Sheds Tears At Park Yong Ha's Death

Group TVXQ's YoungWoong Jaejoong is said to have shed tears when he heard of Park Yong Ha's death.

YoungWoong Jaejoong is currently residing in America to record an album and when he heard of the news, he could not stop the tears from flowing. YoungWoong Jaejoong couldn't hold back his tears as he said, "I have to go to his funeral parlor, what do I do? How could this have happened?" It has been said by those around him that YoungWoong Jaejoong was unable to finish his words as he said, "We talked yesterday (29th), and we promised to meet when I returned to Korea..."

A representative of YoungWoong Jaejoong stated, "Park Yong Ha and YoungWoong Jaejoong were very close friends. They were so close that they would confide in each other for everything. YoungWoong Jaejoong is grieving the loss of a close friend and is in shock. He is devastated that he can't go to Park Yong Ha's funeral parlor."

YoungWoong Jaejoong and Park Yong Ha bonded while in Japan together. They relied on each other and shared opinions to create a strong friendship, despite their age difference.


Source: [hankooki]
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Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 100630 El "amigo Cercano de Park Yong Ha, Jaejoong, Derramó Lágrimas por su Muerte

YoungWoong Jaejoong del grupo TVXQ se dice que ha llorado cuando escuchó sobre la muerte de Park Yong Ha.

YoungWoong Jaejoong quien está actualmente residiendo en América para grabar un álbum y cuando escuchó las noticias, no pudo detener las lágrimas. YoungWoong Jaejoong no pudo contener sus lágrimas mientras dijo, "Tengo que ir a su velatorio, Qué hago? Cómo pudo haber pasado esto?" Se ha dicho por aquellos que estan a su alrededor que YoungWoong Jaejoong era incapaz de terminar sus palabras mientras decía, "Hablamos ayer (29), y prometimos reunirnos cuando regresara a Corea..."

Un representante d eYoungWoong Jaejoong declaró, "Park Yong Ha y YoungWoong Jaejoong eran amigos muy cercanos. Eran muy cercano que se decian cofidencias el uno al otro por todo. YoungWoong Jaejoong está lamentando a perdida de un amigo cercano y está en shock. Está devastado por que no puede ir al velatorio de Park Yong Ha."

YoungWoong Jaejoong y Park Yong Ha unieron mientran estaban en Japón junstos. Ellos tenian confianza entre sí y compartieron opiniones para crear una fuerte amistad, a pesar de sus diferencias de edades.


Fuente: [hankooki]
Trad al Ingles:
Trad al Español:
Compartido por: 2uAngels

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