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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

[TRANS] 100630 Park Yong Ha's Last Phone Call With Jaejoong.. 'We Laughed As We Talked..'

Park Yong Ha was found deceased at his house on the morning of the 30th. Close friends are devastated at his sudden departure and can't seem to understand why this has happened.

TVXQ's YoungWoong Jaejoong, who became close to Park Yong Ha as he sought advice from the older star about his Japanese activities, is said to be in shock as he said, "I can't believe this. We had a phone conversation just yesterday and he was making jokes and laughing." YoungWoong Jaejoong, who is currently recording a worldwide album in America, is said to have stated, "His voice was so bright yesterday. I didn't get the feeling that something was off or wrong," and "We ended the phone conversation with a promise to have a drink of soju together when I returned from recording the album. I'm in shock."


Source: [isplus joins]

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oh god!! it's really sad!! Actually I'm in shock too T-T
Condolences to his Family and friends.
Park Yong Ha Rest in Peace!


Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 100630 La Última Llamada Telefónica de Park Yong Ha Con Jaejoong... "Nos Reímos Mucho Mientras Hablábamos..."

Park Yong Ha fue encontrado muerto en su casa en la mañana del 30. Sus amigos cercanos estan devastados por su repentina partidda y pareecen que no pueden entender por qué esto pasó.

YoungWoong Jaejoong de TVXQ, quien se volvió cercano a Park Yong Ha mientras buscó consejos de la estrella mayor acerca de sus actividades Japonesas, dijo estar en shock mientras manifestaba, "No puedo creer esto. Tuvimos una conversación telefónica solo ayer y estaba haciendo bromas y riendo." YoungWoong Jaejoong, quien está actualmente hrabando una álbum nivel mundial en América, se dice que declaró, "Su voz era tan brillante ayer. No tuve la sensación de que algo andaba mal," y "Terminamos la coonversación con a promesa que tomariamos una copa de souju juntos cuando regresara de grabar el álbum, Estoy en shock."


Fuente: [isplus joins]

Trad al Ingles:
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Compartido por: 2uAngels

es una noticia tan triste T.T, estoy en shock tbn!
Descansa en Paz Park Yong Ha!

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