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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

[TRANS] Co-star Joong Gi Talks About Yoochun

Song Joong Gi Brags About His Perfect Brotherly Sync With Micky Yoochun

Actor Song Joong Gi (25) has given a thumbs up to Micky Yoochun, who is taking on acting for the first time, and his passion for acting.

The two people will appear on 'SungKyunKwan Scandal' together, a drama which is said to air in September.
Micky Yoochun, who has no experience in acting, is said to show the initiative to succeed by calling Song Joong Gi often and asking, "Hyung! How would I express myself in this scene?" And Song Joong Gi answers Micky Yoochun's questions by saying "What do I know?" But in the end, Song Joong Gi gives the singer-turned-actor a lot of advice about acting.

Song Joong Gi stated, "It is true that I had a lot of stereotypes about singer-turned-actors till now. However, I've had to rethink a lot of them from watching Yoochun." He also added, "I learned that the success he has achieved as a singer didn't come in one day; it took him a lot of hard work from his trainee days. His passion is amazing. It motivates me greatly."

Source: [sportsseoul+Yuaerubi]
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[TRANS] El Co protagonista Joong Gi habla acerca de Yoochun

Song Joong Gi se jacta de su perfecta sincronizacion de hermandad con Micky Yoochun

El Actor Song Joong Gi (25) ha levantado los pulgares hacia arriba a Micky Yoochun, quien esta actuando por la primera vez, y su pasion por la actuacion.

Los dos apareceran juntos en 'SungKyunKwan Scandal', un drama que se dice sera emitido en setiembre.
Micky Yoochun, quien no ha tenido experienca en la actuacion, es dicho que muestra la iniciativa del exito llamando seguido a Song Joong Gi y preguntandole "Hyung! como podria expresarme en esta escena? " y Song Joong Gi responde las preguntas de Micky Yoochun diciendo " que se yo?" pero al final, Song Joong Gi le da al cantante convertido en actor muchos consejos acerca de la actuacion.

Song Joong Gi declaro, "es verdad que tuve muchos espereotipos acerca de los cantantes convertidos en actores hasta ahora. sin embargo, he tenido que volver a pensarmucho en ellos y viendo a Yoochun." El tambien agrego, " aprendi que el exito que El ha alcanzado como cantante no vino en un dia, le tomo mucho trabajo desde sus dias de entrenamiento. pasion es maravillosa. Me motiva grandemente."

Fuente: [sportsseoul+Yuaerubi]
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