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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

[TRANS] Poseidon Cast Kim Kang Woo mentions Uknow Yunho

I had training as Poseidon Special Team Training with Eric, Kim Ok Bin and U-Know Yunho together and we became close. Because Kim Ok Bin excels in sports, she could finish some moves easily that were even tougher for guys.

For Eric who just returned from army, he is a great person who helps his juniors passionately.

For Yunho, who completes the high standard training without fearing anything, he is unlike the usual idols. As long as you give him rice, he will jump up to 10 metre happily. He is an interesting friend. He even said that he will defintely go to army.

credit: cheersyoonho
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Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] Actor De Poseidon Kim Kang Woo Menciona A U-Know Yunho

He entrenado como el Equipo Especial De Entrenamiento De Poseidon con Eric, Kim Ok Bin y U-Know Yunho juntos y nos volvimos cercano. Debido a que Kim Ok Bin destaca en deportes, ella pudo finalizar algunos movimientos facilmente que feron incluso más difíciles para chicos.

Para Eric quien acaba de regresar de la armada, es una gran personas quien ayuda a sus menores apasionadamente.

Yunho, quiento completa el alto estandar de entrenamiento sin temor a nada, es diferente a los usuales ídolos. Siempre y cuando le des arroz, él saltará 10 metros con felicidad. Es una amigo interesante. Incluso dijo que él definitivamente irá a la armada.

creditos: cheersyoonho
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Compartido por: SharingYoochun+ 2uAngels

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