Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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Spanish / Español

◇Por Favor Not Hotlink {Tomar el link de alguna imagen o descarga y colocarlo en otro sitio}
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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

[INFO] How to Watch Japanese TV Online

Since I know you are all very itching to see the boys perform together after such a long time, and you just can't wait for someone to upload it on the internet, here's the instructions on how to watch Japanese TV online ;D

1. First, download a program call KeyHole TV (NOT KeyHole Video):

Around a year ago, there were many other ways to watch Japanese TV online (TVU, etc.), but since then Japanese companies have become much stricter about copyright issues, so for now, the only way that I can know of is through KeyHole TV.

2. KeyHole TV has working versions for both Mac & Windows. And I think the installation is very easy to follow. I've installed this since forever so I don't remember the installation steps though :/

3. After you already install KeyHole, it should look something like this (mine is KeyHole for Mac so Windows' might look slightly different):

4. If you scroll down to the very end, the most important channels (TBS, Fuji TV, NTV, TV Asahi) all concentrate in this area ^^

日テレ = NTV (Best Hits Music Festival, etc.)
TBS (Japan Record Award, Utaban, etc.
テレビ朝日 = TV Asahi (Music Station, etc.)
フジテレビ = Fuji TV (FNS Music Festival, HEY! HEY! HEY!, etc.)

5. To watch a channel, select the channel and click on the WATCH button.
If you accidentally hit something that only the audio comes out, that means you just hit a radio channel lol. Sometimes if the broadcaster is online, you'll also be able to listen to Bigeastion on KeyHole ^^

6. And before that, don't forget to check the time so you won't miss the show ;D
Japan Standard Time's Clock:

By: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


Spanish Translation / Traduccion al Español

[INFO] Como ver TV Japonesa Online

Gracias a linhkawaii de OneTVXQ, ahora podemos ver las presentaciones de los chicos en japon, asi que aqui estan las instrucciones de como ver tv japo online ^^

1. Primero, descarga un programa llamado KeyHole TV (NO KeyHole Video):

Cerca de hace un año, habia muchas otras maneras de ver TV japonesa online (TVU, etc.), pero desde que las compañia japonesas se han convertido mas estrictas acerca del tema de derechos de author (copyrights), asi que por ahora, la unica manera que puedo saber es a traves de KeyHole TV.

2. KeyHole TV tiene trabajando versiones para mabos Mac y Windows. Y creo que la instalacion es muy facil de seguir. Lo tengo inslatado hace mucho, asi que no recuerdo los pasos de instalacion :/

3. Despues de ya haber instalado KeyHole, deberia lucir algo asi (mio es KeyHole para Mac asi que el de Windows podria verse ligeramente diferente):

4. Si bajas al final, los canales mas importantes (TBS, Fuji TV, NTV, TV Asahi) todos se concentras en esta area ^^

日テレ = NTV (Best Hits Music Festival, etc.)
TBS (Japan Record Award, Utaban, etc.
テレビ朝日 = TV Asahi (Music Station, etc.)
フジテレビ = Fuji TV (FNS Music Festival, HEY! HEY! HEY!, etc.)

5. Para ver el canal, selecciona el canal y haz click en el boton de ver [WATCH].
Si tu accidentalmente tocas algo que solo el audio sale, eso significa que solo apretaste un canal de radio lol. A veces si el locutor/radiodifusión es en linea, tu seras capas de escuchar Bigeastation en KeyHole^^

6. Y despues de eso, no olvides de ver la hora asi que no te perdera el show
Reloj de Tiempo Estandar de Japón:

Hecho por: linhkawaii @
Trad al Español:
Creditos: {One World.One Red Ocean.One TVXQ! }

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