Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Monday, June 7, 2010

[INFO] 100607 Sungkyukwang Scandal Fanmeeting

Reservation starts on 9th June 2010, at 9pm
La reservación comienza el 9 de Junio, 2010, a las 9pm


Date: 24th July 2010

Filming Location Tour & Fanmeeting

T/N: This is an ad for Japanese to sign up for a tour package to go to Korea, to attend this fanmeet. I'm not sure about other details as it hasn't been published yet. From what I understand, it costs about 150,000yen for this.

N/T: Esto es un anuncio para que los fans Japoneses se inscriban por un paquete tour para ir a Corea, para atender este fanmeeting. No estoy segura sobre los detalles ya que no ha sido publicado aún. De lo que entiendo, el costo en cerca de 150,000yen.

Source: [Green Tour]
Translation Credits:
Shared by: 2uangels

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