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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

[TRANS] 100608 “Goong” Roles Distribution And Performance Schedule

“Goong” – Roles Distribution
(Distribución de los papeles - De derecha a izquierda)
Row 1: Prince Shin
(From left to right) Kim Dong Ho, Ron, Uknow Yunho
Row 2: Princess Shin Chae Kyung
(From left to right) Kwak Seon Young, Shin Eh Jung
Row 3: Prince Lee Yul
(From left to right) Lee Chang Hee, Jung Dong Hwa
Row 4: Min Hyo Rin
(From left to right) Choi Soo Jin (Sister of SNSD’s Choi Soo Young), Seo Hyeon Jin (Goo Hye Sun’s best friend)

The musical will take place between September to October at the Yong Theatre, which can seat an audience size of about 800 people.

El musical tomará lugar entre Setiembre a Octubre en el Teatro Yong, el cual tiene la capacidad para cerca de 800 personas.

T/N: These are the venue bookings for September and October. The slots highlighted in red are booked for the musical “Goong”.

N/T: Estas son las reservaciones de los lugares para Setiembre y Octubre. Los marcados en rojo son los reservados para el musical "Goong".

Source: baiduTVXQ
Translation: kimuchi3005 @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

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