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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

[Trans] 101201 JYJ Twitter UpdateJYJ tours Korea…?

(Jaejoong) Our national tour is underway! There’s so much to see in Korea, tonight we’ll be heading to Jeolla-do – go••! (3:51pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje Go go go go go go go go~ (4:03pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @zerotic0124 Hyung, what’s Haenam like? (4:06pm KST)

(Jaejoong) Any recommendations for cities in Jeolla-do..? (4:01pm KST)

(Jaejoong) We’re open to places where the nature is great, too! (4:01pm KST)

(Yoochun) These are times made possible by you guys^^ I’m so thankful!!!For the first time in 7 years…. I’m trying to get some fresh air while laughing without a care in the world….. (4:06pm KST)

(Jaejoong) Though we couldn’t go this time, we’ll go to Chungcheongbuk-do’s Danyang next time, for sure.. (4:09pm KST)

(Yoochun) At least just for this trip~^^ Please don’t look for us~ Stalker taxis~ and stalkers!!Please!!! (4:10pm KST)

(Yoochun) We’ll make great memories~with such granted freedom~and share it with all of you ^^(4:13pm KST)

(Junsu) So this is what true ease is..^^ Thank you so much everyone~ (4:15pm KST)
(Young Ki) @0101xiahtic Great job^^ (5:44pm KST)
(Junsu) @poimin73 Thank you, Hyung^^ Your album is being released now, right?? I have to buy it!!! (6:20pm KST)

Mozart Love ^^ and Junsu, the album’s out already lol
(Young Ki) @0101xiahtic It’s out and being sold already (6:25pm KST)
(Junsu) @poimin73 Oh!! I’ll go buy it right away when we get back to Seoul^^ (11:35pm KST)

source: [Jaejoong+Junsu+Yoochun+Other's Twitter]
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[Trad] 101201 JYJ actualizaciones de twitter

JYJ tour Corea…?

(Jaejoong) Nuestro tour nacionnal esta en camino! Hay mucho que ver en Corea, esta noche estaremos arribando a Jeolla-do – vamos••! (3:51pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje vamos vamos vamos vamos vamos!~ (4:03pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @zerotic0124 Hyung,Como es haenan? (4:06pm KST)

(Jaejoong) alguna recomendacion de ciudades en nagoya..? (4:01pm KST)

(Jaejoong) Estamos abiertos a lugares donde la naturaleza sea grandiosa...tambien! (4:01pm KST)

(Yoochun) Estos son momentos echos posibles por ustedes^^ Estoy muy agradecido!!!por la primera vez en siete años…. Estoy tratando de tener aire fresco mientras rio sin importancia en el mundo... (4:06pm KST)

(Jaejoong) Aunque no pudimos ir esta vez, iremos al Danyang de Chungcheongbuk-do la proxima vez, de seguro.. (4:09pm KST)

(Yoochun) al menos solo por este viaje ~^^ porfavor no nos busquen~ taxis acosadores~ y acosadoras!!porfavor!!! (4:10pm KST)

(Yoochun) haremos nuevos recuerdos~con tal libertad contenida~y compartirlo con todos ustedes ^^(4:13pm KST)

(Junsu) Asi que esto es lo que es la verdadera felicidad..^^ muchas gracias a todos~ (4:15pm KST)
(Young Ki) @0101xiahtic buen trabajo^^ (5:44pm KST)
(Junsu) @poimin73 gracias, Hyung^^ tu album sera lanzado ahora, verdad?? tengo que comprarlo!!! (6:20pm KST)

Mozart Love ^^ y Junsu, ya salio el album lol
(Young Ki) @0101xiahtic ya salio y ya esta siendo vendido (6:25pm KST)
(Junsu) @poimin73 Oh!! ire a comprarlo en seguida cuando volvamos a Seul^^ (11:35pm KST)

Fuente: [Jaejoong+Junsu+Yoochun+Other's Twitter]
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+ 2uAngels

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