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Sunday, December 5, 2010

[TRANS] 101201 Min Young Ki "Xiah Junsu Is Outstanding As A Musical Actor"

Musical star Min Young Ki(37), who has transformed into a ballad singer and released his album 'The 1st' on November 11th, has praised JYJ's Xiah Junsu by saying, "He's outstanding as a musical actor."

Min Young Ki recently had an interview with No Cut News and revealed his relationship with Xiah Junsu saying, "I was in the musical 'Mozart!' with Xiah Junsu," and added, "When I said I was releasing my album, Xiah Junsu sent me a congratulatory message."

On the backside of Min Young Ki's new album are congratulatory signatures from his fellow musical cast such as Song Chang Ui, Yoo Joon Sang, Eom Gi Joon and Ahn Jae Wook. Min Young Ki pointed out that, "The signature in the middle with no name is Xiah Junsu's," and "When news of my album came out, Xiah Junsu was in the US and he said that he had to buy the album when he got back to Korea."

As a senior to Xiah Junsu in the musical industry, Min Young Ki didn't hold back on his praise for Xiah Junsu's potential. He spoke highly of Xiah Junsu as he said, "I've seen many idol-turned-musical actors who were unable to immerse themselves into their roles, but Xiah Junsu was completely different from the rest. He would seem shy at times but when he stood on stage, he'd change completely and you could feel the passion coming from him. He's not the best idol star for nothing. His talent and potential is endless."

Source: [No Cut News+DNBN]
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Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 101201 Min Young Ki "Xiah Junsu Es Extraordinario Como Actor Musical

La estrella Musical Min Young Ki (37), quien se ha transformado en una cantante de baladas y lanzó su álbum 'The 1st' el 11 de Noviembre, ha elogiado a Xiah Junsu de JYJ diciendo, "Es extraordinario como actor musical."

Min Young Ki recientemente tuvo una entrevista con No Cut News y reveló su relación con Xiah Junsu diciendo, "Estuve en el musical 'Mozart!' con Xiah Junsu", y añadió, "Cuando sije que estaba lanzando mi álbum, Xiah Junsu me envió un mensaje de felicitaciones."

En la parte de atrás del nuevo álbum de Min Young Ki estan las firmas de felicitaciones de sus compañeros del elenco musical como Song Chang Ui, Yoo Joon Sang, Eom Gi Joon y Ahn Jae Wook. Min Young Ki señaló que "La firma en el medio que no tiene nombre es de Xiah Junsu" y "Cuando las noticias de mi álbum salieron, Xiah Junsu estaba en Estados Unidos y dijo que tenía que comprar el álbum cuando regresara a Corea."

Como un Senior a Xiah Junsu en la industria de los musicales, Min Young Ki no controó su elogio por el potencial de Xiah Junsu. Habló muy bien de Xiah Junsu diciendo, "He visto muchos ídolos convertirse en actores de musicales quienes son incapaces de sumergirse a sus papeles, pero Xiah Junsu fue completamente diferente del resto. PArecí tímido a veces pero cuando se paraba sobre el escenario, cambiaba completamente y podias sentir la pasión viniendo de él. Es por eso que él no es la mejor estrella ídolo por nada. Su talento y potencial es interminable."

Fuente: [No Cut News+DNBN]
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Compartido por: 2uAngels

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