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Monday, November 16, 2009

[TRANS] 091116 Predictions for This Year's Kouhaku

T/N: I only summarize the article, since I don't think you'd be interested to know about other artists that much ^^

This is, NHK's Kouhaku will be celebrating its 60th birthday. The program is finalizing the list of artists whom they will invite to this important event.

Last week, Inoue Yousui, an influential figure in the Japanese music scene, has made his predictions on this year's choices of Kouhaku. So far, it is confirmed that Yoshida Takurou, Nakashima Miyuki, Matsutouya Yumi [T/N: all famous old-time singers] will be participating.

Yazawa Eikichi (60) [T/N: an important & influential artist] is also expected to participate in this event, since his CM and concert have become such a hot topic this year.

In addition, Southern All Stars' [another influential group] Hara Yuko, Fukuyama Masaharu, and Amuro Namie are also expected to come to this year's Kouhaku.

"We request for Amuro Namie to perform at NHK's biggest hall, Studio 101, instead of the usual NHK Hall," said her representative.

We also expect to have the idol group AKB48. For ayaka, who's been down with her disease this year, this event is expected to be her last one.

For foreign artists, Richard Carpenter (60) of The Carpenters might make a surprise appearance. "It won't be a special performance, but rather, he'll be playing the piano when other artists sing together," said a representative.

We'll also dedicate some moments to artists who have passed away this year - Michaal Jackson, Imawano Kiyoshirou, Kato Kazuhiko, composer Miki Takashi, and actor Morishige Hisaya.

[Keep in mind, the following list is just a prediction, the list is in alphabetical order]

【White Team - Male】 △Akikawa Masafumi、△Aqua Timez、○Atari Kousuke、○Arashi、○Itsuki Hiroshi、○Inoue Yousui、○EXILE、○Oue Yutaka、○Katou Seishirou、○Kitajima Saburou、△Kitayama Takeshi、○Kimaguren、△Kiyama Yuusaku、○Kobukuro、○Jero、×Shuuchishin with Pabo、○SMAP、○Tohoshinki、△TOKIO、○Tokunaga Hideaki、○Hikawa Kiyoshi、○Higuhi Ryouichi、○BIGBANG、○Hirai Ken、△Hilcrhyme、○Fukuyama Masaharu、○Fuse Akira、△Porno Graffitti、○Maekawa Kiyose、○Mikawa Kenichi、×Mr.Children、△Mizutani Yutaka、○Mori Shinichi、△Moriyama Ryoutarou、△Yazawa Eikichi、○WaT

【Red Team - Female】 ○aiko、△alan、△Aoyama Thelma、○Akimoto Junko、○Asamichi Yuki、○Amuro Namie、○ayaka、○Angela Aki、○Ikimonogakari、○Ishikawa Sayuri、○AKB48、○Otsuka Ai、△Kato Miliyah、○川中美幸、△GIRL NEXT DOOR、○Koda Kumi、○Godai Natsuko、○Kobayashi Sachiko、○Sakamoto Fuyumi、○Sakuramaya、△JUJU、△Superfly、△SPEED、○Tendou Yoshimi、○Nakashima Mika、○Nakamura Mitsuko、○Nishino Kana、○Hamasaki Ayumi、○Perfume、△Hara Yuuko、○Hitoto Yo、○Hirahara Ayaka、○Fuji Ayako、×Fujioka Fujimaki and Ohashi Nozomi、○Mizumori Kaori、○Wada Akiko

○High possibility of attending
△Might be attending
×Not attending

Source: Yahoo Japan News
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


Spanish Translation / Traduccion al Español

[TRAD] 091116 Predicciones para Kouhaku de Este Año

N/T: Solo resumí el articulo, ya que no creo que estarian interesados en saber acerca otros artistas ^^

Kouhaku de NHK estara celebrando su 60º Aniversario. El Programa esta finalizando la lista de artistas a los que invitaran para este importante evento.

La semana pasada, Inoue Yousui, una figura influyente en la escena de la musica Japonesa, ha hecho sus predicciones sobre las elecciones del Kouhaku de este año. Hasta el momento, esta confirmado que Yoshida Takurou, Nakashima Miyuki, Matsutouya Yumi (N/T: Todos famosos cantantes de los viejos tiempos) estaran participando.

Yazawa Eikichi (60) (N/T: artista muy importante e influyente) tambien se espera que participe en este evento, ya que su CM y concierto se han convertido en un tema muy hablado este año.

Ademas, Southern All Stars' (N/T: Otro grupo influyente) Haya Yuko, Fukuyama Masaharu, y Amuro Namie son tambien esperado de venir al Kouhaku de este año.

"Pedimos para Amuro Namie que preformara en el gran salinde NHK, estudio 101, en lugar del habitual NHK salon," dijo su representante.

Tambien esperamos tener el grupo idlo AKB48. Para ayaka, quien ha estado delicada por su estado de salud este año, este evento es esperado para que sea su ultimo.

Para artistas extranjeros, Richard Carpenter (60) de The Carpenters podria hacer una aparicion sorpresa. "No sera una presentacion especial, sino mas bien, estaria tocando el piano cuando otros artistas cantan juntos," dijo un representante.

Tambien dedicariamos algunos momentos para artistas quienes han fallecido este año - Michael Jackson, Imawano Kiyoshirou, Kato Kazuhiko, compositor Miki Takashi, y el actor Morishige Hisaya.

[Tenga en cuenta, que al siguiente lista es solo una prediccion, la lista esta en orden alfabético.]

【Equipo Blanco - hombres】 △Akikawa Masafumi、△Aqua Timez、○Atari Kousuke、○Arashi、○Itsuki Hiroshi、○Inoue Yousui、○EXILE、○Oue Yutaka、○Katou Seishirou、○Kitajima Saburou、△Kitayama Takeshi、○Kimaguren、△Kiyama Yuusaku、○Kobukuro、○Jero、×Shuuchishin with Pabo、○SMAP、○Tohoshinki、△TOKIO、○Tokunaga Hideaki、○Hikawa Kiyoshi、○Higuhi Ryouichi、○BIGBANG、○Hirai Ken、△Hilcrhyme、○Fukuyama Masaharu、○Fuse Akira、△Porno Graffitti、○Maekawa Kiyose、○Mikawa Kenichi、×Mr.Children、△Mizutani Yutaka、○Mori Shinichi、△Moriyama Ryoutarou、△Yazawa Eikichi、○WaT

【Equipo Rojo - Mujeres】 ○aiko、△alan、△Aoyama Thelma、○Akimoto Junko、○Asamichi Yuki、○Amuro Namie、○ayaka、○Angela Aki、○Ikimonogakari、○Ishikawa Sayuri、○AKB48、○Otsuka Ai、△Kato Miliyah、○川中美幸、△GIRL NEXT DOOR、○Koda Kumi、○Godai Natsuko、○Kobayashi Sachiko、○Sakamoto Fuyumi、○Sakuramaya、△JUJU、△Superfly、△SPEED、○Tendou Yoshimi、○Nakashima Mika、○Nakamura Mitsuko、○Nishino Kana、○Hamasaki Ayumi、○Perfume、△Hara Yuuko、○Hitoto Yo、○Hirahara Ayaka、○Fuji Ayako、×Fujioka Fujimaki and Ohashi Nozomi、○Mizumori Kaori、○Wada Akiko

○Gran Posibilidad de Asistir
△Podria estar Asistiendo
×No asistiendo

Fuente: Yahoo Japan News
Trad al Ingles: linhkawaii @
Trad al Español:
Creditos: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

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