Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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We would like to see your comments {that make us happier}~♥

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Nos gustaria ver sus comentarios{eso nos hace mas felices}~♥

♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Thursday, June 3, 2010

[2uAngels Message] Happy Birthday Park Yoochun

(Credits: DeboraPark [Please NOT edit])

Happy Birthday Yoochunnie~♥

Ah~~ there's a lot of things that we would like to convey to you, Chunnie
But the most important is, be HAPPY. We want to see you smiling as we used.
We know that now is a tough time, but gave us a message 'Always Keep the Faith', and that's what we are doing, and will do until the end of our lives.

Yoochun, please enjoy this day, smile a lot, a eat all your birthday cake.

Always Keep the Faith♥

Ps: Today is also our mother's birthday, so Happy Birthday mommy. Thank you for always support us. we LOVE you so much. the best mom in the world.

(By that we couldn't upload information today, sorry T-T)


Feliz Cumpleaños Yoochunnie~♥

Ah~~ hay muchas cosas que nos gustaría decirte, Chunnie
Pero la más importante es, se FELIZ. Queremos verte sonriendo.
Sabemos que ahora es un duro momento, pero ns diste un mensage 'Siempre Mantener la Fé', y eso es lo que estamos haciendo, y haremos hasta el final.

por favor disfruta de este día, sonrie mucho, y come todo tu pastel de cumpleaños.

Always Keep the Faith♥

Pd: Hoy tbn es el cumple de nuestra mamita. asi que, Feliz Cumpleaños Mami!!! Gracias por siempre apoyarnos, y soportarnos lol. Te amamos demasiado, y no sabriamos que hacer si no estuvieras a nuestro lado!! Gracias por todo mamita!! La mejor del mundo ~♥

(Por eso no hemos podido subir mucha información hoy, lo siento T-T)

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