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Thursday, July 8, 2010

[TRANS] 100708 SungKyunKwan Scandal - Making Scene Revealed!

The making scene for the drama [SungKyunKwan Scandal] has been revealed for the first time!

On the 8th, the PR agency in charge of the drama released a photo from the making scenes of the drama, which shows Tohoshinki's Yuchun (real name: Park Yoochun), Park Min Young, Yu Ah In and Song Joong Gi.

In this photo, Yuchun plays the smart Lee Seon Joon, who is a man of principle. There's also Park Min Young, who has big eyes, and has the bright and intelligent image, and Kim Yoon Hui, who cross-dresses as a man to enter SungKyunKwan.

Song Joong Gi, who acts as Yu Yong Ha, was dressed in a brilliant costume, depicting a playboy during the Joseon Dynasty. Yu Ah In plays the sharp-eyed and wild Moon Jae Shin and including Kim Yoon Hui, these 3 good-looking scholars maintain a delicate balance.

[SungKyunKwan Scandal], which is a love comedy that depicts the noisy and boisterous lives of these scholars, is scheduled to start airing in August.

Source: [chosunonline]
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Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 100708 SungKyunKwan Scandal - Toma de la Escena Revelada

La Toma de la Escena para el dram [SungKyunKwan Scandal] ha sido revelada por primera vez!

El 8, la agencia de relaciones públicas a cargo del drama publicó una foto de las tomas de las escenas del drama, las cuales muestran a Yuchun de Tohoshinki (nombre real: Park Yoochun), Park Min Young, Yu Ah In y Song Joong Gi.

En esta foto, Yuchun interpreta al listo Lee Seon Joon, quien es un hombre de principios. Tambiñe está Park Min Young, quien tiene unos grandes ojos, y tiene la imagen brillante e inteligente, y Kim Yoon Hui, quien se viste como un hombre para entrar a SungKyunKwan.

Song Joong Gi, quien actua como Yu Yong Ha, estaba vestido en un traje brillante, que representa a un playboy durante la Dinastía Joseon. Yu Ah In interpreta al perspicaz y salvaje Moon Jae Shin e incluyendo Kim Yoon Hui, estos 3 guapos estudiantes mantendran un delicado balance.

[SungKyunKwan Scandal], que es una comedia de amor que narra la ruidosa y bulliciosa vida de estos escolares, está programa a emitirse en Agosto.

Fuente: [chosunonline]
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Compartido por: 2uAngels

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