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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Monday, July 12, 2010

[TRANS] 100712 JYJ - "(Park) Yong Ha-Hyung, Sorry We're Late."

"(Park) Yong Ha-hyung*, sorry we're late"

The TVXQ trio, Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun returned from America and immediately went to Park Yong Ha's grave, paying their respects to the spirit of the deceased in tears.

Around 1pm on 12 July, Youngwoong Jaejoong, Xiah Junsu and Micky Yoochun visited the Memorial Hall Gyeonggi-do where Park Yong Ha is buried and offered flowers and prayed that his spirit would find happiness in the next world.

As they stood in front of the picture of the deceased and said, "Hyung, we're really sorry we came so late", they finally shed tears. This was especially so for Youngwoong Jaejoong, who received a great shock when he received word of his death, as he had made contact with Park Yong Ha while he was in the United States.

The trio finished recording their album the previous night, on the 11th, in LA and returned to the country through Incheon International Airport. Despite their fatigue from their late flight home, they left their houses early in the morning in order to visit the late Park Yong Ha's grave. At 1pm, the trio arrived at the cemetery and witnesses who were gathered said that they wept silently.

The TVXQ trio had a very close relationship with the deceased. This was because of the bond that was formed between them when they were all active in Japan at the same time.

Youngwoong Jaejoong, who was especially close to Park Yong Ha, was said to have received a huge shock when he received the news suddenly while he was recording for their album in the United States. A close aide said, "Xiah Junsu, Youngwoong Jaejoong and Micky Yoochun were so shocked to receive the news of Park Yong Ha's death that they were unable to speak."

On the other hand, Xiah Junsu, Youngwoong Jaejoong and Micky Yoochun worked with well-known American rapper and producer Kanye West for their album and returned home on the 11th after concluding the recording.

With Asia as their primary target market, the TVXQ trio's album will be distributed under a US record label which has a worldwide distribution network.

The 3 members, who have filed a lawsuit regarding their exclusive contract with their former company, SM Entertainment, have shown that they are a force to be reckoned with, going back to work after a short break. Also, Micky Yoochun will be making his TV debut with the drama "SungKyunKwan Scandal", which is set to air in September.

t/n: *hyung = older brother in Korean. I left it as "hyung" since it would have been odd with "brother".

Source: [newsen + my-own-way123]
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Spanish Translation / Traducción al Español

[TRAD] 100712 JYJ -"(Park) Yong Ha-Hyung, Lo siento Llegamos Tarde"

"(Park) Yong Ha-hyung, lo siento llegamos tarde"

El trio de TVXQ, Jaejoong, Junsu y Yoochun regresaron de América e inmediatamente fueron a la tumba de Park Yong Ha, presentando sus respestos al espíritu del difunto en lágrimas.

Cerca de la 1pm el 12 de Julio, YoungWoong Jaejoong, Xiah Junsu y Micky Yoochun visitó el Hall Memorial Gyeonggi-do donde Park Yong Ha está enterrado y ofrecieron flores y rezaron para que su espíritu encuentre felicidad en el otro mundo.

A medida que se pararon en frente de la imagen del difunto dijeron, "Hyung, estamos muy apenados, llegamos muy tarde", finalmente derramaron sus lágrimas. Esto fue por YoungWoong Jaejoong, quien recibió un gran conmoción cuando supo la noticia de su muerte, ya que había tenido un contacto con Park Yong Ha mientras estaba en los Estados Unidos.

El trio terminó de grabar su álbum la noche previa, el 11, en Los Angeles y regresaron al País a través del aeropuerto internacional Incheon. A pesar de la fatiga de su tarde vuelo a casa, dejaron sus casas temprano en la mañana para visitar la tumba de Park Yong Ha. A la 1pm, el trio llegó al cementerio y los testigos que estaban reunidos dijeron que lloraron en silencio.

El trio de TVXQ tenía una relación muy cercana con Park Yong Ha. Esto fue por la unión que fue formada entre ellos cuando todos estaban activos en Japón al mismo tiempo.

Youngwoong Jaejoong, quien era especialmente cercano a Yong Ha, dijo haber recibido una gran conmoción cuando se enteró de la noticia repentinamente mientras estaba grabando para su álbum en los Estados Unidos. Un colaborador cercano dijo, "Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong Jaejoong y Micky Yoochun estaban muy impactados al recibir as noticias de la muerte de Park Yong Ha que fueron incapaces de hablar."

Por otro lado, Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong Jaejoong y Micky Yoochun trabajaron con el raperó y productor americano muy conocido Kanye West para su álbum y regresaron a Casa el 11 despues de concluir con la grabación.

Con Asia como su objetivo prinipal, el álbum del trio de TVXQ será distribuido bajo una marca Americana la cual tiene una red de distribución a nivel mundial.

Los 3 miembros, que han presentado una demanda con respecto a su contrato exclusivo con su ex-compañía, SM Entertainment, han mostrado que son una fuerza a tener en cuenta, regresando a trabajar despues de un corto descanso. También, Micky Yoochun estará haciendo su debut televisivo con el drama "SungKyunKwan Scandal", el cual saldrá al aire en Setiembre.

Fuente: [newsen + my-own-way123]
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Trad al Español:
Compartido por: 2uAngels

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