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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

[TRANS] Yoochun & Cast Of [SungKyunKwan Scandal] To Hold Fanmeeting On 24 July

The [Joseon Dynasty F4] will be holding a fanmeeting for Korean and Japanese fans.

The KBS drama [SungKyunKwan Scandal] is set to start airing in September. It is a youthful period drama that depicts the friendship between Park Min Young, who plays Kim Yeonhee and cross-dresses to enter SungKyunKwan on behalf of her sick brother, Yoochun (as Lee Seon Joon), Yu Ah-In (as Kim Jae Shin) and Song Joong Ki (as Goo Yong Ha).

The 4 main leads will be holding a fanmeeting with their Korean and Japanese fans on the 24th of this month, at Hwaseong Fortress (Gyeonggi-do), where the filming for the drama takes place. According to the official site for the drama, the number of participants has yet to be confirmed.

Source: [chosunonline]
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[TRAD] Yoochun y el casting de [SungKyunKwan Scandal] tendran un fanmeeting el 24 de Julio

La [Dinastia Joseon F4] tendra un fanmeeting para las fans coreanas y japonesas.

El drama de KBS [SungKyunKwan Scandal]está establecido para salir al aire en setiembre. Se trata de un drama juvenil que muestra la amistad entre Park Min Young, que interpreta a Kim Yeonhee y se disfraza para entrar en SungKyunKwan en nombre de su hermano enfermo, Yoochun (como Lee Seon Joon), Yu Ah-In (como Kim Jae Shin ) y Song Ki Joong (como Goo Yong Ha).

El 4 los artistas principales llevaran a cabo un fanmeeting con sus fans de Corea y Japón el 24 de este mes, en la Fortaleza de Hwaseong (Gyeonggi-do), donde el rodaje del drama tiene lugar. Según el sitio oficial para el drama, el número de participantes aún no se ha confirmado.

Fuente: [chosunonline]
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