Always Keep the Faith ~ ~Believe



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♥~ Always Keep the Faith ~♥

Sunday, August 23, 2009

[TRANS] 090823 a-nation Staff Report (Cont...)

Thinking about the performance yesterday!
He gave us a good-looking shot when we turned the camera to him. (^0^)


Pensando en la presentacion de ayer!
Nos dio una muy buena fotografia cuando giramos la camara a él. (^0^)

Yunho relaxing at the sofa!
The performance is about to start. o(^-^)o


Yunho relajandose en el sofa!
La presentacion esta por empezar

They received a lot of the famous local produce from Tokyo!
Jaejoong praised the rice crackers a lot, and Yunho praised the sweet rice cake (kaminari okoshi)

Yunho told the staff that he wanted to take some of it (laugh)


Recivieron muchos productos locales famosos de Tokyo!
Jejung elogio las galletas de arroz mucho, y Yunho elogio el queu de arroz dulce (Kaminari okoshi)

Yunho dijo al staff que queria tomas algunos (risas)

The way to the stage!


Camino al escenario!

We'll do our best for today's second show in Tokyo too!


Daremos lo mejor de nosotros en el segundo día de show en Tokyo tambien!!

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
Translation: ELUNE @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean.One TVXQ!}
Spanish trans:

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